I Richard Sherbrooke of Biggin in the Parish of Croydon in the County of Surry Gentleman being of Sound and disposing Mind and Memory Do declare this to be my last Will and Testament and do hereby nominate and appoint my Cousin Richard Sherbrooke of the Parish of Saint Sepulchre London Esquire Executor thereof First I will that my just Debts and the Expences of my Funeral be fully paid and after payment thereof I do hereby charge all and every my Estates both real with the Payment of one clear Annuity of five and twenty Pounds a Year unto Sarah Andrews for and during the Term of her natural life to be paid Quarterly by equal Portions on Lady day Midsummer Day Michaelmas Day and Christmas Day in every Year the first payment thereof to be made on such of the Feast days as shall first happen next after my Death free and clear of and from all Taxes deductions and abatements whatsoever and subject to and Charged with the Payment of the said annuity in the manner aforesaid and my Debts and Funeral Expences I give devise and bequeath all my Estates whatsoever and wheresoever of what nature or kind soever unto my said Cousin Richard Sherbrooke his heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty seventh Day of March one thousand seven hundred and fifty nine Richd Sherbrooke (Attestation Clause) Wm Jacomb _ Richd Cobb _ Edmd Floyd Junr. _ Clerks to Wm Jacomb Proved at London 25 September 1767 PCC Prob11/932