In the Name of God Amen I Edmund Stillwell of Alfold in the County of Surrey Timber Dealer being sick and Weak in Body But of a Sound Mind Memory and Understanding Praised be Almighty God for the same Do Make Publish and Declare this my Last Will & Testament in manner following and first I resign my Soul unto the Hands of Almighty God hoping by the Merrits of Jesus Christ our Saviour to Receive a full Pardon of all my Sins. And as to my Worldly Estate which it hath pleased God to Bless me with I Give and Dispose off in manner following (that is to say) First I Give Bequeath and Devise unto my Loving Wife Abbigal all my Freehold and Coppy-hold Estates whatsoever and wheresoever together with All my Household Goods and Chattles Ready Mony Bills and Bonds and Personal Effects whatsoever which I shall Die possessed off During the Time of her Natural Life Subject to the Payment of my Just Debts Funeral Expences and the proving of this my Will And further my Will and Meaning is that as Soon as my Executors (hereafter Named) conveniently Can after the Decease of my said Wife Sell and Dispose of all my Estates both Real and Personal and the Mony arising from such Sale or Sales to be divided between my Executors and all the rest of my Sons and Daughters Share and Share alike, And Lastly I do hereby appoint my Son Henry Stillwell and my Son in Law Robert Pugh to be Executors of this my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I Edmund Stillwell the Testator have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this Fifteenth Day of December one Thousand Eight Hundred and Seven Edmund Stillwell (Attestation Clause) Willm Eede _ Thos Butcher _ Jno Sayers Proved 24 December 1827 (Testator died December 1807) to Henry Stillwell the surviving Executor _ Estate under œ100 London Metropolitan Archives DW/PA/5/1827/20