In the Name of God Amen I John Sayer of the Parish of Warlingham in the County of Surry Victualler being sick and weak of Body but of sound and disposing Mind and Memory God be praised for the same Do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament (that is to say) Principally and first of all I recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it and my Body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereinafter named also I give devise and bequeath unto my Son Richard Sayer all that Farm or parcel or Plots of Copyhold Land lying and being in the Parish of Warlingham aforesaid containing Seven Acres be they more or less now in my own occupation Also the four cottages in the said Parish occupied by several Tenants Vizt. Joseph Castle James Turner William Argent William Matthews and Ann Ditnall likewise One hundred Pounds in Money when he arrives to the age of twenty one years old I give devise and bequeath to my two Daughters Sarah and Elizabeth Sayer three hundred Pounds each of lawful Money of the Bank of England in the five per Cents when they come to the age of twenty one Years then all the remainder of my Personal Property consisting of Money Securities for Money Goods Chattels Estate and Effects of what nature and kind soever and wherever the same shall be found I give and bequeath to my beloved Wife Sarah during her life and then to go to my Children equally And I do nominate constitute and appoint Edward Streater of the Parish of Caterham and Thomas Haswell of the Parish of Carshalton in the County aforesaid sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all and every other will or wills at any time by me heretofore made and do declare this to be this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said John Sayer have hereunto set my hand and Seal this seventeenth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight and five John Sayer?s mark (Attestation Clause) Michael Rowed _ Thos Harlling _ James Brooke Proved at London 26 March 1806 PCC Prob11/1440