In the Name of God Amen The last Will and Testament of John Southey of the Parish of Merstham in the County of Surry Batchelor I Will and bequeath all that house and premises my ffreehold lying and being in the Parish of Redriffe in the County of Surry and situated and being in Paws Court in the Occupation of William Clayford Cooper At the Yearly rent of Eight Pounds Pr Year and he to keep it in Repair during the Time he shall occupy it Also All my Personal Estate either in Plate Household Goods Monies Bills Bonds or Notes or Stock in my Trade as a Woodmonger or Whatsoever or Wheresoever it may be found I will and give my Executors herein named In Trust for the uses hereinafter named that is to say unto William Roffey of the Parish of Merstham in the County of Surry and Thomas Durrant Of the Parish of Merstham in the said County of Surry Miller my Meaning is that they shall sell and dispose of the Above ffreehold to the best Advantage and turn all my Effects into Money And after all my just Debts ffuneral Expences And the Expences of Proving my Will And all Expences my Executors shall be At in executing their Trust the one half part I give to my Brother William Southey and his Heirs the Other half Part to be laid out in the Public ffunds And the Interest arising therefrom to be paid half yearly by my Trust to Catherine my Sister the Wife of William Kemshall during her natural life And at her decease to be equally divided between the Children of her Body lawfully begotten when the Youngest Child shall attain the Age of Twenty one Years share and share alike and I constitute and appoint the said William Roffey and Thomas Durrant full and sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament and allowing them all reasonable Expences And not to be Accountable for any Monies or Loss except by their Wilful Neglect In Witness hereunto I have set my hand and Seal this Ninth day of January one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight revoking all other Will or Wills by me made John Southey (Attestation Clause) Elizabeth Gratwick ? Richard Holliday _ Edward Durrant Proved at London 25 May 1803 PCC Prob11/1393