In the Name of God Almighty Governor of the Universe Amen ... Amos Vialls of the Parish of Richmond in the County of Surry do declare this to be my last will and Testament in manner and form following and at the same time revoking all former Deeds that I might have set my hand unto as of none effect whatsoever and declare this to be my last Will Item I give and bequeath unto my dear Wife Mary Vialls all my property in the public ffunds which is five hundred pounds Stock three Pr Ct reduced and twenty two pounds seven shillings Long Annuities for her sole use and benefit and likewise all my Property at my house in Richmond ffurniture and every thing therein contained and likewise the Rent of my house in Oxford Street no 199 as it becomes due during her natural life and at her decease I give it to my Son Tho Vialls as his property making void any Deeds that may be produced to the contrary Item I give and bequeath unto my dear friend Mrs Margt Gall five pounds a quarter to be paid to her during her natural life after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto Miss Eliza Hatch of Nightsbridge one hundred pounds stock three Pr Cts I likewise desire that my Bounty to the poor women in the other Houses may be continued three months after my decease at least I do hereby appoint my Son Executor of this my Will dated the fourth day of April 1813 Amos Vialls By this Codicil I do further add that my remains may be quietly deposited as possible without the least Pomp or Ostentation whatever I do give to Ann Wood Ten Pounds provided she gives every assistance in her power to her dear Misstress and five pounds to Eliz Wise Affidavit of due execution by the Rev Samuel Hemming of Hampton in the County of Middlesex and Henry Fletcher of Twickenham Proved at London2 June 1813 PCC Prob11/1545