I Nehemiah Ring of Godalmin in the County of Surry Protestant Dissenting Minister do make my last Will and Testament in manner & following ffirst I will all my just Debts ffuneral Expences and proving this my Will to be paid and satisfied and my Body to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named Also I give & bequeath unto my dear friend and Cousin Mary Harding now living with me all and every my Real and Personal Estate whatsoever & wheresoever situate & being of what nature or kind soever To hold and to the use of her the said Mary Harding and to her Heirs Executors Administrators and Assigns for ever And I make nominate and appoint the said Mary Harding full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament And I hereby revoke all former Wills made by me In Witness whereof I the said Nehemiah Ring the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament set my Hand and Seal the first day of August one thousand seven hundred and ninety six Nehemiah Ring (Attestation Clause) Rd Stedman _ James Weale _ John Delawse Proved at London 11 October 1799 PCC Prob11/1331