In the Name of God Amen I Jeffery Richbell of Ashtead in the County of Surrey Gentleman do make my last Will and Testament in manner following first I direct all my just debts to be paid I give and bequeath All my Stock and Money and Securities for Money Goods Chattels and Effects whatsoever unto Christopher Raven of Epsom in the County of Surry Apothecary and William Finch the Elder of Ashtead aforesaid Carpenter and the Survivor and the Executors and Administrators of such Survivor Upon the trust and for the Purpose herein after mentioned that is to say I give and bequeath to my Nephew Thomas Richbell Son of my Brother Benjamin Richbell his Executors and Administrators All my Stock and Monies in the Funds Money and Securities for Money Household Furniture and Personal Estate whatsoever to which said Thomas Richbell his Executors and Administrators I give and bequeath the same he and they paying thereout the several Legacies and Sums of money following that is to say unto my Nephew Jeffery Richbell Son of my Brother Samuel Richbell Fifty pounds and unto my Niece Mary Beaumont Hannah Ford Ann Hanwell ten pounds each unto Hannah Rowland Mary Prizeman five pounds each and unto Sarah Rolfe ten Pounds and I will that the Legacy of my Nephew Jeffery Richbell Son of my Brother Samuel Richbell be Paid him at the Age of twenty one Years And of such of my Nieces shall be paid to them respectively six months after my decease and in case my Nephew Niece or Nieces shall die than my Will is that the Legacy and Legacies of him her or them so dying shall go to and be divided amongst the Survivors of them my said Nephew and Nieces Share and Share alike And I hereby revoke All other Wills by me heretofore made and appoint my said Trustees and my said Nephew Thomas Richbell Executors of this my last Will and Testament In Testimony whereof I the said Jeffery Richbell the Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in this and one other Sheet of Paper set my hand and Seal to each Sheet thereof this tenth day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty four Jeffery Richbell (Attestation Clause) Christr Raven _ James Edmonds Proved at London 6 November 1784 PCC Prob11/1123