This is the last Will and Testament of me Edmund Stilwell of the Parish of Seal in Tongham in the County of Surrey Shoemaker and I give devise and bequeath unto my son John Stilwell the sum of seventy pounds of lawful British money for his exclusive use absolutely and as to all the rest and residue of my property whether real or personal whatsoever and wheresoever I give devise and bequeath the same in equal proportions amongst and between my children hereafter successively mentioned and expressed namely Edmund Stilwell Mary Stilwell Betty Walker Charlotte Lester Richard Stilwell and Louisa Barnes and to the children in like manner equally of each every and either of the said successively named children dying before me and my further will is that the equal share or bequest of each every and either of the of my successively named children and the legacy or bequest of my son John Stilwell shall in case of either of them dying before me without issue lawfully begotten be equally divded amongst my surviving children or their children in manner aforesaid and I hereby appoint my son John Stilwell and my son in law George Walker Executors of this my last Will and Testament As Witness my hand this nineteenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty two _ Edmund Stilwell (Attestation Clause) Joseph Pannell Senr Joseph Streat Witnesses Proved at London 2 November 1843 PCC Prob11/1988