Memorandum I George Yalden of the Parish of Caterham in the County of Surry Batchelor after all my Just debts are Paid do hereby bequeath unto my Sister Mary Yalden of Godalming in the County of Surry all that my Property of whatsoever kind soever Subject Only to such Legacies as I shall hereinafter mention first I direct ten Guineas Worth of Bread to be given away at the Parish Church in Caterham aforesaid to the Poor of the Parish at the discretion of the Minister thereof immediately after divine Service Also ten Guineas Worth of Bread to be given away at the Parish Church in Coulsdon in the County of Surry to the Poor of the said Parish at the discretion of the Minister thereof immediately after divine Service and I beg the Revd James Legrew Minister of the Parish of Caterham aforesaid to accept the Sum of five Guineas and a Ring and also I beg Mr John Leech that he have the goodness to be assisting my Sister in the disposal of ... Effects and to accept of twenty Guineas and a Ring I also beg Mr Thomas Cole of Godstone Senior and of Mr William Bull of Caterham that they also would be assisting to my Sister in the disposal of the Effects if called upon, each of whom I also beg to accept of twenty Guineas and a Ring And I beg of the before mentioned Mr William Bull to accept the Roan Mare and her Colt wishing him to see the last of the Mare And to my Cousin John Stilwell Mr Yalden Messrs John and James Hawkins Mr Edward Leech Messrs Pillat and Charles Savignacs R and T Lucas J Yarraway R James Joseph Hardy Mr L Shirley R Birch R Cream George Smallpiece N Vincent Mr Edmund Woods Henry Woods Thos Langdale Joseph Humphries Mr ffinch of Deptford Mr Wood Surgeon I severally beg the acceptance of a Ring I give to Sarah Owsley twenty pounds to Rebecca Collins my present Servant a Years Wages to James Cox a Years Wages to George Terry seven Guineas and each of them a Suit of Mourning to each of the Married Men in my Service two Guineas and to the Single Men and Boys a Guinea each Signed this sixth day of ffebruary in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and two George Walden Witness John Brooke _ Thos Patrick Administration with Will annexed granted 3 April 1802 to Mary Yalden Spinster the Sister and Residuary Legatee no Executor being named# PCC Prob11/1373