James REVELL, STREATHAM, Surrey. 28th July, 6th Edward VI. To be buried in church of Stretham. Executors my wife and William Morrante Residue to wife. Overseer John Channer. To poor mens hope Xs. To poor folks dwelling within the streete of Upper Toting Jolyan Notlynga Nicholas butlar Thomas Whinhed Marryus wief John Goodlade Elizabeth Lanson Johan Lanson XXIIIs VId distributed between them To John Lanson a bullock of a yere old. To all my godsons VIs VIIId apiece. To Agnes my mayde XIVs. I give my mother Channer for her paynes 1\4 malt and to her husband fyve poundes. To my sister Morrante and to Mr. Edmond paynam an old angel apiece. To Thomas Wyte John butts Elizabeth Lane. To mother grovys half years rent of her house and for to remayne from Michelmas come twelvemonth ther paying the rent. I give to all Mr. Paynams servants and Alice Prygeat 12d apiece. To my brother Morrante the Land at Mycham and Martey to him and his heirs after my wifes death and X1. These being my debts. Mr. Goodman oweth me IVl. John Child XVl XIId John Noxe VIl John Ingam VIl Henry Boyden IV lodes haye the price III1 XVIs. Thomas Holgate boucher at batersey XXIII lode of haye at XVIIs ane lode of the which I have receaved XLs IIId parte of payment therof Howe oweth me XXl and for XXVIII sheppe at IIIIs VIIId the shepe. George Gryene the butchar XIII1 Mathew Holand XII1 XIIIs for four oxen and money that I dyd lend him. I forgive John Holande XXs Item Richard blake VI1 and Harryson oweth XIIIs IIIId Item Kendall of Dowgate oweth me for VI lodes of haye XVIl VId the lode. Thomas Butchar of the garrate V1 black wife of nether Toting XX1 and ten quarters of barley at VIIIs the quarter. Ann my Malte maker wief XLs John Pender XLs (and other names) Mystris Lovell IIId and there servants deliver her XII bushels of Rye. William Battemun of Stretham X1 by me. Wytnes William Morrant John Lanson the elder and John Lanson his son and Agnes Spereman. Probate llth August 1552 to Executors.