John WHELAR of STOKE next GULDEFORD Dated 5th August 18th year of Henry VII. To be buried in chapel of our Lady in parish church of the blessed Trinity in Guldeford. To the mother church of Wynchester XIId. To high altar of parish church of Trinity for tithes XXd, and Xs. To parish church of the Blessed Lady at Guldford and S. Nicholas in Guldford XXd. To house and church of freres preacher in Guldford XIIIs IIIId. To parish church of Stoke next Guldford and parish churches of Worplesden Compton Shalford and Merowe. To my godchildren who are living fourpence. Residue to Isabell my wife and to John Chabeleyn, Executors. Isabell immediately after my death shall have to her and her heirs for ever all my lands tenements barns gardens etc in burgh of Gulford also all the lands with a barn set there-upon within burgh of Gulford which I late purchased of Robert Sandes. Witness Sir Richard Chapman preest Sir Thomas Gate preest, John Perkyn Thomas Greene William Baker and many others. Probate 16th August 1503 to Executors.