Thomas SWYFT, STOCKWELL, Surrey Dated 27th September 1413. To be buried in the church of S. Mary Northlambhithe co. Surrey facing the altar of St. John. To repairs of said church twenty pounds and to said altar of S. John a missal chalice and vestment etc. For my burial twenty marks. For the poor in said parish of Northlambhithe. For prayer for me and for souls of the faithful departed twenty markes. Thirteen torchbearers to follow my body three chaplains to be at the ceremony and to pray for my soul. Twenty shillings for the road which leads to the said church lying between the tenements of Peter Swyft and of John Archer. Twenty pounds for repairing the King's Highway which leads to Southlamehithe. All residue of goods and chattels and all debts owing paid I give to my Executors namely Peter Swyft John Sondford John Werying John Fox, to lay out for my soul and the souls of my parents. Proved 3rd October 1413 by Executors Peter Swyft John Sondford John Clevynge John Fox.