I Jane Wallis Widow of 10 Bolingbrook Row Walworth being of Sound mind and having the Fear of God before me hereby declare this to be my last Will and Testament I vest all my property of whatever kind or nature soever in trust to Mr George Aston of Dorset Place Clapham Road who I appoint my Executor I desire he will be pleased to give directions for my funeral which I should wish to be conducted to my daughters I desire that he will see all my just debts being discharged at his earliest convenience I bequeath unto my said Executor for his own benefit the remainder of the lease of my house No 19 Bolingbrook Row Walworth and the Fixtures in and about the house meaning him to have all the advantages from the lease also a legacy of œ50 money say Fifty pounds and the portion of my late dear son William I desire his Wife Mrs Geo: Aston to select for herself any of my dresses of my late daughters? I bequeath to Mr Henry Aston his brother a legacy of œ50 money say Fifty pounds Also I bequeath to Mr Holford of Queen Anne?s Bounty a legacy of œ10 money say ten pounds and my book case and all my books watches and trinkets I bequeath Miss Sarah Wells a legacy of œ19.19 money say nineteen pounds nineteen shillings I bequeath to each of my three Cousins the Misses Fleureann a legacy of œ150 money say one hundred and fifty pounds to the three also the family pictures and the Flowers painted by my late dear husband I bequeath to Miss Roberta Saunders a legacy of œ50 money say Fifty pounds and all my household linen china ware and glass I bequeath to Mr George James Luke Noble a legacy of œ100 say one hundred pounds I bequeath to Mr John Passmore Noble a legacy of œ100 say one hundred pounds also the Cabinet Pianoforte Music Stool and Music belonging thereto I bequeath to Mrs Mary Crissell a legacy of œ50 money say Fifty pounds I bequeath to Mary my Servant for her attention during my illness and good conduct during the time she has been in my Service a legacy of œ5 money say five pounds and I bequeath to Miss Sarah Crissell a legacy of œ100 say one hundred pounds and..... her my residuary legatee Finally I wish and desire that the legacies specified in money be paid free of Duty and of all deductions should my Estate admit thereof And I leave my Executor to put his own interpretation upon any doubtful point that might arise in the reading of this my Will made the 27th day of February 1834 _ Jane Wallis _ Signed and delivered in the presence of William Davies Charlotte Row Walworth _ Mary Salman 14 Wellington St Newington Causeway Proved at London 31 May 1834 PCC Prob11/1832