In the Name of God Amen I Susanna Ward of Richmond in the County of Surry Widow do make my Will as follows to wit ffirst I desire to be buried at Richmond by Mr Smith the Town Clerk Item I give and bequeath to my Grand-daughter Sarah Ward the Sum of one hundred pounds to be Paid to her on her attaining the Age of twenty one Years and the Interest in the mean time to be applied by my Executors toward the Maintenance and Education of her the said Sarah Ward Item I give and bequeath to my Grand-daughter Ann Ward the Sum of one hundred pounds to be Paid to her on her attaining the Age of twenty one Years and the Interest in the mean time to be applied by my Executors toward the Maintenance and Education of her the said Ann Ward And in Case either of my said Grand-daughters shall dye before She attains the Age of twenty one Years and my Son Richard Ward shall be then living then I Give and bequeath the Legacy of her so dying unto my said Son Richard Ward But in Case my said Son Richard Ward shall be then dead then and in that Case en I Give and bequeath the Legacy of her so dying unto the survivor of them my said Grand-daughters Sarah Ward and Ann Ward Item I give and bequeath to my Cousin Henry Wallis Bricklayer the Sum of fifty Pounds to be paid in three Months after my Decease And I give and bequeath to my said Cousin Henry Wallis all the ffurniture of the Bed Chamber in my House where the Yellow Bed is and also my Table Clock Lastly all the Rest and Residue of my real and personal estate I give devise and bequeath unto my son Richard Ward and I do hereby nominate constitute and Appoint my said Son Richard Ward and my said Cousin Henry Wallis Executors of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby revoke disannul and make void all former and other Wills by me heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal this twenty sixth day of June One thousand seven hundred and fifty five Susanna Ward (Attestation Clause) Elizabeth Feilder Thomas Coleman Wm Lindeman Proved at London 7 December 1756 to Richard Ward the son power reserved to the other Executor PCC Prob11/826