This is the last Will and Testament of Betsey Manning Webster of Bridge House Richmond in the County of Surrey Spinster written by my own hand which I make as follows I direct that all my House aforesaid Spinster the sum of One hundred pounds Stock in the three just debts and funeral and testamentary expences shall be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease I give and bequeath to Isabella Taylor of Bridge House aforesaid ?????? per cent Reduced Bank Annuities and also ten pounds in money for Mourning I give and bequeath to Sophia Taylor of Bridge House aforesaid Spinster the sum of One hundred pounds Stock in the three per cent Reduced Bank Annuities and also ten pounds in money for Mourning I give and bequeath to my friend Mrs Mary Whelpdale Widow of the late Mr Whelpdale of Battersea aforesaid the sum of One hundred pounds Stock in the three per cent Reduced Bank Annuities and also thirty pounds in money for Mourning I also give and bequeath to the said Mary Whelpdale all my Clothes linen and wearing apparel of every description and also my large Gold Chain and all my rings Broaches and Ornaments of the person not hereafter specifically bequeathed I also give and bequeath to the said Isabella Taylor and Sophia Taylor my winged Mahogany Wardrobe My small Sofa and covers my Juvalis Couch and Covers my Juvalis Table my Chimney Glass Dressing Glass Flower stands and Baskets and all my Bed and Table linen to be equally divided between them share and share alike I also give and bequeath to the said Isabella Taylor my Gold Watch and my small Gold Chain I also give and bequeath to the said Sophia Taylor my Gold Spectacles and my new Bible with Marginal references I give and bequeath to my old and valued friend Thomas Moxon of Twickenham Lodge Esquire the sum of five Guineas for a Ring I give and bequeath to Eliza Moxon daughter of the said Thomas Moxon my Mahoganey Chiffonier or Book stand and also all my Books not specifically bequeathed to others all my plate and plated articles and my Toilet Bottles I give and bequeath unto my niece by affinity Eleanor the Wife of my nephew Cuthbert Rippon late of Stanhope Castle Esquire the sum of ten pounds and two Pearl Broaches one set with her husbands hair the other with her sisters I give and bequeath to whatever Servant may be living in my service at the time of my decease one years wages if she shall have lived with me two years or near that time and also the sum of seven Guineas for Mourning but should my Servant not have lived in my service the time above specified she shall then only be entitled to the sum of Seven Guineas for Mourning I give and bequeath to Ridley Manning Webster of No 4 River Terrace North City Road the eldest son of my late brother the sum of thirty pounds the family Bible which was his late Grandfathers an Oil Painting in Gilt Frame of his Grandfather a Bronze Profile of his Grandmother 5 small Pictures my Chimney and Chiffonier Ornaments most of which were his late Grandmothers a Pair of Cut Decanters and Eleven wine Glasses with Landscapes which were also hers I give and bequeath to my great nephew Valentine Rippon youngest son of Cuthbert and Eleanor Rippon late of Stanhope Castle in the County of Durham two hundred Stock in the three per cents reduced Stock the interest to be paid to him by my Executor on the said two hundred stock and when he shall have attained the age of twenty two years the Principal is to be paid to him by my Executor I herein appoint John Moxon Esqr of No 8 Hanover Terrace Regents Park the Executor to this my last Will and Testament but in case of his decease taking place during my life I then appoint Thomas Moxon Esqr Junior of Old Broad Street City I leave to the said John Moxon Esqr the sum of Ten Guineas as a small acknowledgement for his trouble but if deceased as before mentioned the said sum of ten Guineas is to be paid to his brother Thomas Moxon Esq Junior my Executor I then give in trust to my Executor John Moxon Esqr Junior my House No 11 Sloane Terrace and all the rest and residue of Stock in the Bank of England for the sole use and benefit of my great nephew Cuthbert Rippon Junior now of the Cape of Good Hope and eldest son of Cuthbert and Eleanor Rippon late of Stanhope Castle in the County of Durham the house on Sloane Terrace to be let or sold as he may think fit and the Stock in the Bank of England the interest to be received by my Executor and sent to him or the Principal to be sold and remitted to him as he may think proper and direct I desire to be buried in a Leaden Coffin and should my decease take place in Richmond I desire to be buried in the Vaults of the Old Church of that place Revoking all other Wills made by me I declare this to be my last Will and written by my own hand on this sheet of paper to which I have subscribed my name and affixed my Seal this eleventh day of February in the Year one thousand eight hundred and forty five _ Betsy Manning Webster (Attestation Clause) Rebecca Powell Cook at Bridge House Richmond _ Eliza Heath Parlour Maid at Bridge House Richmond Codicil I Betsey Manning Webster give in trust to my Executor John Moxon Esq the sum of fifty pounds Stock in the three per cent Reduced Bank Annuities to be paid after my decease to Mrs Mary Whelpdale Widow of the late Andrew Whelpdale of Battersea I give and bequeath to Miss Martha Russell now of No 2 Devonshire Terrace West Brompton after my decease the sum of nineteen pounds nineteen shillings I give to Miss Margaret Moxon of Twickenham Lodge the sum of five Guineas for a Ring I give in trust to my Executor John Moxon Esqr the sum of one hundred pounds Stock in the three per cent Reduced Bank Annuities to be paid after my decease to my faithful and devoted Servant Anne Elizabeth Grower Having in my Will left to my great nephew Cuthbert Rippon Junior now of the Cape of Good Hope my House No 11 Sloane Terrace I think it right to state in this Codicil that I sold the said House No 11 Sloane Terrace in the year 1846 I request my Executor will give at my decease to the Servants of this House One Guinea each This Codicil was written by my own hand to which I have subscribed my name and affixed my Seal in the Presence of Witnesses this twenty second of March in the Year Eighteen hundred and fifty three Betsey Manning Webster _ Eliza Heath Parlour Maid at Bridge House Richmond _ Eliza Sharp Kitchin Maid at Bridge House Richmond (Affidavit of due Execution of Codicil sworn by Eliza Heath Spinster dated 21 February 1854) Proved at London with a Codicil 27th February 1854