In the Name of God Amen I Catherine Undershell of ffarnham in the County of Surry Widow do make publish and declare this my last will and testament in manner and form following (that is to say) I direct my just debts and funeral expenses and the costs and charges of proving this my will to be first paid and discharged and I give and devise unto my eldest son John Chitty Stevens all that my freehold piece or parcel of land lying and being opposite to the dwellinghouse in which I now reside at ffarnham aforesaid and which I purchased of John Stevens and Thomas Stovold to hold to him my said son John Chitty Stevens his heirs and assigns for ever I also give and bequeath to my said son John Chitty Stevens the sum of four hundred pounds of lawful money Current in Great Britain to be paid to him within three months next after my decease and also my pair of high silver candlesticks to be delivered to him within fourteen days then next after also I devise and bequeath to my son the Revd ffrederick Richard Stevens the milk bucket ladle and Glass given me by my brother Eales Staunton Barker I give and bequeath to my son Edmund Stevens two pair of my silver?.and spoons and I recommend them to draw lots for the choice of each set and all the residue of my plate (be what it may) I give and bequeath to my sons Henry James Stevens ffrederick Richard Stevens Edmund Stevens and Charles Stevens to be divided between them as equally as possible and as I have already my son Henry a tea pot I declare it to be the reason I have not bequeathed a specific piece of plate to him and should either of my four youngest sons be dissatisfied with the division of the residue of the plate last mentioned or should it cause any discontent in the minds of either of them I recommend it be sold and the money arising from the sale thereof to be paid to my last mentioned four sons share and share alike and I give and bequeath the same accordingly I give and bequeath the pictures of myself and of my sons Edmund and Charles which are placed in my drawing room unto my sons? sons Edmund and Charles and I recommend that the sons pictures should go to whoever first keeps house but ultimately should belong to the survivor of them and as I can form no idea if either of the above????.respecting the pictures will be deemed impartial I give and bequeath to my said brother Eales Staunton Barker the sum of five guineas to buy a ring or whatsoever he may think proper in remembrance of me and all the rest residue and remainder of my lands tenements heredits real estate both freehold and copyhold whatsoever and wheresoever over which I have any right or power of disposal and of all and every my goods chattels rights credits ready money effects and personal estate that I shall or may die possessed of interested in or entitled to at the time of my decease I give devise limit appoint and bequeath unto my said for youngest sons Henry James Stevens ffrederick Richard Stevens Charles Stevens and Edmund Stevens or such of them as shall be living at the time of my decease their heirs executors admors and assigns absolutely as tenants in common and not as joint tenants and to be equally divided between them if more than one and in case there shall be only one of my said last named sons at the time of my decease then decease I give devise limit appoint and bequeath the residue of my said real and personal estate unly such one survivor only of my said four sons his heirs executors admors and assigns absolutely and I give devise and bequeath unto my said sons Henry James Stevens ffrederick James Stevens Edmund Stevens and Charles Stevens their heirs executors admors and assigns all such estates as shall be vested in me at the time of my decease by way of mortgage and which I have a power to dispose of by this my will with full power and authority to them and the survivors and survivor of them their or his heirs executors admors and assigns upon payment of the money secured on such mortgages to convey and assign the estates included therein to the person or persons entitled thereto for the time being and I constitute and appoint my said said sons Henry James Stevens ffrederick James Stevens Edmund Stevens and Charles Stevens Joint Executors of this my last will and testament & I declare it to be my particular wish that no servant whatever should have any part of my Clothes and I revoke all former wills by me made In Witness whereof I the said testatrix have hereunto set my hand and seal the twenty eighth day of ffebruary in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty seven Cath: Undershell (Attestation Clause) John Lidbetter Lincoln Phene The clerks to Mr Shotter Farnham John Anderson Proved at London 14 November 1832 PCC Prob11/1808