In the Name of God Amen I John Trigg of the Parish of Esher in the County of Surry Bricklayer being of sound and disposing Mind and Memory praised be to Almighty God for the same do publish and declare this to be my last Will and Testamt in manner following that is to say ffirst I commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God my Creator in hopes of Mercy through the Merits of Jesus Christ my blessed Lord and Saviour And my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executors herein after mentioned. And as to all my Worldly Effects I give and dispose thereof as follows/ I give devise and bequeath unto my dearly beloved Wife Hannah Trigg all those my three ffreehold Messuages or Tenements with the Stables Outbuildings Yards Gardens Land and Premises thereunto belonging with the Appurtenances the one being a New built Brick Messuage or Tenement and in my own Occupation and the other two Messuages or Tenements are in the Occupation of John Stevens and John Smith and all situate lying and being at or near Caters Hill in the Parish of Esher aforesaid And also all those my two Copyhold Messuages or Tenements with the Outbuildings Yard Gardens and Premises therewith belonging with the Appurtenances situate lying and being at Hersham in the Parish of Walton on Thames in the County of Surry and Holden of the Manor of Moulsey Macham in the said County and now in the Possession of Richard Glazier and John Morris (which said Copyhold Premises I have surrendered to the Use of my last Will and Testament) To Hold to my said Wife Hannah Trigg and her Assigns for and during the Term of her Life and immediately from and after the decease of my said Wife I give and devise the said ffreehold and Copyhold Estates and all other my ffreehold and Copyhold Messuages Lands and Tenements Hereditaments and Premises whatsoever and wheresoever unto my Brother William Trigg of Hersham aforesaid Bricklayer his heirs and assigns for ever paying thereout unto the several Persons hereafter named the several and respective Sums of Money herein after mentioned within twelve Months next after the decease of my said Wife Hannah Trigg that is to say To my Brother Richard Trigg if living at the time of the decease of my said Wife the Sum of Sixty Pounds Sterling but in Case of his death before the same becomes payable then to pay and divide the said Sum of Sixty Pounds to and amongst all the Children of my said Brother Richard who shall be living at the time of my said Wife?s death in equal proportions and if but one Child then to such only Child And in case of my said Brother Richard?s death without Issue then to pay and divide the said Sum of Sixty Pounds amongst all and every his Brothers and Sisters (including my said Brother William) who shall be then living share and share alike To my Brother Thomas Trigg if living at the time of the decease of my said Wife the like Sum of Sixty Pounds Sterling And in Case of his death before the same becomes payable Then to all and every his Children and for want of Children Then to his Brothers and Sisters in the same manner to all Intents and Purposes as I have directed the former Legacy of Sixty Pounds to be paid and divided To my Sister Elizabeth Haben the Wife of John Haben if living also at the decease of my said Wife the Sum of ffifty Pounds Sterling And in Case of her death before the same becomes payable Then to all and every her Children and for want of Children Then to her Brothers and Sisters in the same manner I have directed the former Legacies to be paid and divided To my Sister Ann Mole the Widow of Samuel Mole deceased if living at the decease of my said Wife the Sum of Sixty Pounds Sterling and in case of her death before the same becomes payable Then to all and every her Children and for want of Children Then to her Brothers and Sisters in the same manner I have directed the former Legacy to be paid and divided And to Ann Simmons the Daughter of Thomas Simmons deceased the Legacy or Sum of Ten Pounds Sterling if living at the time of the decease of my said Wife And I do hereby charge and make chargeable the above devised ffreehold and Copyhold Estates with the Payment of the above Legacies and Sums of Money accordingly And as to all the Rest and Residue of my Goods Chattels Stock Moneys Securities for Money and Personal Estate of what nature or kind soever and wheresoever that I shall die possessed of after Payment of my Just Debts and ffuneral Expences and Subject thereto I give and bequeath to my said Wife Hannah Trigg and Brother William Trigg his Executors and Administrators in Trust for my said Wife Hannah Trigg to have and Enjoy the Use of my said Household Goods and Chattels and the Interest of my Monies And all other my Personal Estate for and during the Term of her Life and immediately from and after her decease Then I order and direct my said Brother William Trigg his Executors and Administrators (after the decent Interment of my said Wife) to Convert the whole of my Personal Estate into Monies (Except the ffixtures and Standards belonging to my said ffreehold and Copyhold Estates which I direct shall be deemed to belong thereto) And the Monies arising thereby to pay and divide to and amongst all and every my Brothers and Sisters ( including my said Brother William) who shall be living at the death of my said Wife in equal shares and Proportions and to and amongst the Representatives of my said Brothers and Sisters in Case of the death of any or either of them in my Life time or in the Life of my said Wife such Representatives to take the part and share only which should have belonged to such deceased Brother or Sister to and for his her and their own sole and separate Use and Uses And Lastly I make nominate constitute and appoint my said Wife Hannah Trigg and my Brother William Trigg Joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said John Trigg have to this my last Will and Testament containing two Sheets of Paper set my Hand to the first Sheet and my Hand and Seal to this last Sheet this fifth day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and Eighty John Trigg (Attestation Clause) Aaron Gale Rice Edwards James Biggins Clk to Mr James John Stevens Proved at London 19 May 1781 PCC Prob11/1078