In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Wimberley of the parish of Woodmanston in the County of Surrey being in health of body and of sound disposing Mind (blessed be God for all his Mercies) do make this my last Will and Testament my soul I commit into the hands of my most mercifull Saviour and my body to be decently interred by my Executors after my debts and ffuneral Expences are defrayed I give and bequeath as follows to my Nephew John Wimberley of Postwitham I do give all my Share of the Personal Estate of my dear deceased Husband Bartholomew Wimberley whether in the Stocks or upon Bond for his own proper Use I give and bequeath all my Jewels Watches and Rings to the Children of my Brother Benjamin Stead my Wearing Apparell I give to my Sister Phebe my Niece Wimberley of Temple Barr my Niece Jennet Stead my Niece Shuckburg and Eliz: Jackson to be equally divided amongst them by my Executors three hundred pounds Old F S Annuitys standing in my own name in the Companys books I appoint for the Maintenance of my Brother John Stead and the Education and Maintenance of Eliz: Jackson of Woodmanston above mentioned and in case one of them should die before all the Money is laid out the Survivor is to have the remainder for his or her own Proper use I give and bequeath all the Rest and Residue to my Sister Phebe Stead my Niece Shuckburg my Niece Jennet Stead and to my two Bros William Stead and Benjamin Stead whom I appoint joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament written and signed by me Eliz Wimberley in the presence of Sarah Thorn July 18 1758 This Codicil I make to give my two Executors to my Will dated July 18 1758 Willm and Benjamin Stead the power to sell or transfer all the Old first subscribed Annuity standing in the name of Mr Bartho. Wimberley and also that standing in my own name for the purposes mentioned in my Will and this Codicil the Stock which in my said Will is given to John Wimberley and Mr Robert Wimberley of Temple Bar to be equally divided betwixt them as soon as convenient to my Executors whom I make and appoint sole Residuary Legatees to this and my said last Will and Testament as to Mourning to those my Executors thinks proper I hope they will be kind to Mrs Hayne my two Executors are William and Benjamin Stead Witness my hand and seal this first day of April 1763 Eliz. Wimberley Witness Susanah Wolfe Affidavit as to due execution sworn by Eleanor Heathcroft of the Parish of Saint Westminster in the County of Middlesex Widow 5 March 1765 Proved at London with a codicil 9 March 1765 to Benjamin Stead power reserved to the Reverend William Stead clerk PCC Prob11/907