In the Name of God Amen I Isaac Thornicraft being in sound health both in Body and Mind This is my last Will and Testament I will and Appoint my Lawfull Wife Ann Thornicraft to be my whole and Sole Executrix Administrator and Assign I give and bequeath to the aforesaid Ann Thornicraft All my Money Goods and Chattles and whatsoever Else appertaineth unto me at my decease given under my hand and Seal the thirteenth day of ffebruary in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ffifty six and the twenty ninth year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Second by the Grace of God of Great Britain ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith etc. Willm Wickham Henry Cowndon 11 October 1759 On which day Appeared Personally of the Parish of Saint Mary Magdalen Bermondsey in the County of Surrey and made Oath that he knew and was well acquainted with Isaac Thornicraft late of the Parish aforesaid deceased and saith that he well remembers that the said deceased on or about the 13th day of ffebruary in the year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and fifty six wrote the Paper Writing hereunto annexed purporting to be the last Will and Testament or Testamentary Schedule in the presence of this Deponent and Henry Cownden and the Deponent saith that the Name Willm Wickham subscribed thereto is of this Deponent?s handwriting and that the said Henry Cownden whom the Deponent is informed and believes is since Dead and who appears to be a Witness did set and Subscribe his Name in manner it thereon now appears in the presence of the said deceased and of the Deponent And Lastly this Deponent upon his Oath saith that he verily belives that at the time the said deceased wrote the said Will (in his presence and in the presence of the said Henry Cownden his ffellow Witness) the said deceased was of sound mind memory and understanding Will Wickham Proved at London 16 October 1759 PCC Prob11/850