In the Name of God Amen I Frances Stillwell of Westcott in the Parish of Dorking and County of Surrey Widow being of sound Mind Memory and understanding and considering the uncertainty of this Mortal life Do make and Publish this my last Will and Testament ffirst and Principally I recommend my Soul to God who gave it and my Body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named and as touching my Worldly Estate I Give and Dispose of as follows I Give and Bequeath unto my daughter ffrances the Wife of James Whiteman the Sum of twelve Pounds of good and lawful Money of Great Britain I also Give unto my Daughter ffrances my Six Silver Tea Spoons I Give and Bequeath unto my daughter Sarah now the Wife of James Hewett the Sum of twelve Pounds of like lawful Money I Give and Bequeath unto my Son John Stillwell the Sum of twelve Pounds of like lawful Money I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Stephen Stillwell the Sum of ffive Pounds of like lawful Money I also give to my said Son Stephen my Mahogany tea table I Give and Bequeath unto my Grandson James Whiteman Son of my daughter ffrances the Sum of ffive Pounds of like lawful Money I Give and Bequeath unto my Daughter Abigail Stillwell Spinster my Tent Bed with the Bedstead and ffurniture and all belonging thereto I also Give unto my said Daughter Abigail All my China and all my Linen and my Linen Chest All which said above named Legacy I Will and Direct shall be paid by my Executor within Twelve Months next after my decease And whereas I am possessed of Three hundred and fifty Pounds joint Stock in the three Per cent Reduced Annuitys now standing in my Name and transferable in the Bank of England I Give and Devise the same unto my eldest Son Benjamin Stillwell with full Power for him to sell out the same to enable him to pay and discharge the above Legacys And I Will and Direct that all the fixed Shelves in my House and the large Old Cupboard in the Pantry be left as Standards in the House And I Will and Direct that all the Rest and Residue of my Household Goods shall be sold by my Executor And all the Rest and Residue of my Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever the same may be I Give the same unto my said Son Benjamin Stillwell for the Purposes above mentioned and I further Will and Direct that after paying all my just Debts ffuneral Expences and Proving this my Will the Overplus Money remaining in my Son Benjamin?s Hands be equally divided between my said Son Benjamin Stillwell and my Daughter Abigail Stillwell Spinster share and share alike And Lastly I nominate and appoint my said Son Benjamin Stillwell Sole Executor of this my Will hereby revoking and making void all former Will or Wills or any other Writing Purporting to be so declaring this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and seal this twenty ninth day of June in the Year of our Lord One thousand seven hundred and ninety three Frances Stillwell Edward Stone of Westcott Elizth Stone of Do Thos Fuller Proved: 23 June 1795 PCC Prob11/1262