This is the Last Will and Testament of me Margaret Trigg of Godalming in the County of Surry Widow as follows, I give and bequeath to my good and esteemed friend Mary Alexander the Sum of fifty Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain to be paid her at the End of six calendar Months next after my Decease Also I give and bequeath to each of my friends Elizabeth Stedman of Godalming aforesaid Widow and Mary Harding of Godalming aforesaid Spinster the Sum of ten Guineas as a small token of the Esteem I have for them Also I give and bequeath my Silver two handled jug marked with the Initials S.L.(date 1749) for the use and Benefit of the ffrequenters of the Presbyterian Meeting House established in harts lane in Godalming aforesaid which it is my Request shall be delivered to the Minister for the Time being by my Executrix herein after named immediately after my Decease And (subject to the Payment of the several Legacies before mentioned and also of such Debts as shall be owing by me at the Time of my Decease together with my ffuneral Expences and the Expences of Proving this my Will) I give and bequeath All the Rest and Residue of my Goods Chattels Credits ready Money Money in the ffunds and Securities for Money Plate Linnen Chins Books ffurniture and All Other my Personal estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what Nature or Kind soever the same may be which I may be possessed of or intitled to at the Time of my decease unto my Niece Susanna Longman her Executors Administrators and Assigns and for her and their own use and Benefit and I nominate and appoint the said Susannah Longman sole Executrix of this my Will hereby revoking all former Wills by me made In Testimony whereof I the said Margaret Trigg the Testatrix have hereto set my hand and Seal the ninth Day of March in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and four Margaret Trigg Henry Woods Atty at Law Godalming Daniel Sharp his Clerk Proved at London 6 December 1805 PCC Prob11/1434