In the Name of God Amen the twenty ninth day of September in the second yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lady Anne the ffirst by the grace of God Queene of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland Defender of the ffaith Anno Dm 1703 I Richard Trigg of ffarnham in the County of Surry being sick and weak of body and of good sound and perfect disposing mind and memorie thanks be to God for the same and calling to remembrance the uncertaine estate of this transitory life that all flesh must yield unto death when it shall please God to call Doe make constitute ordaine and declare this my last will and testament revokeing and disannulling all former and other Wills heretofore by me made and declared either by word or writing And this only to be taken for my last Will and Testament and none other And first I give and commit my soule to Almighty God and my body to the earth to be decently interred by my Executor hereafter named Item I give and bequeath to my couzen John Perman son of John Perman of ffarnham which is late deceased All my lands and personall estate upon such condition that he the aforesaid John Perman shall well and truly pay all these Legacies hereafter named and likewise all my just debts to whome due within one yeare next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my Couzen Anne Perman sister to the aforesaid the sume of fforty pounds of lawfull English mony Item I give and bequeath unto Sarah Perman the sume of fforty pounds of like mony Item I give unto the aforesaid Anne Perman my best bedd and my best paire of Andirons Item I give unto the aforesaid Sarah Perman the next best bedd and the next best paire of Andirons Item all the rest and residue of my goods chattells and personall Estate whatsoever I doe give and bequeath unto my couzen John Perman aforesaid whom I doe make sole Executor of this my last will and testament In witnesse whereof I have to this my last will and testament set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written the marke of Richard Trigg John Searle John Smart John Jeffereys Memorandum that all the Household goods which are not particularly disposed of in the will with the remaining part are to be equally divided between my cousin John Perman and his two sisters Ann Perman and Sarah Perman Proved at London 4 November 1704 PCC Prob11/479