This is the last Will and Testament of me James Tullet of Hoptons Alms Houses Green Walk Surrey I will and direct that after Payment thereout of my funeral Expences and the expences of Proving this my Will the sum of Three hundred pounds three per cent consols now standing in my name in the Bank of England may be equally divided between my son James Tullet and my Daughter Margaret Relph their or either of their executors or administrators And I hereby nominate my son James Tullet Executor and residuary legatee of this my Will As witness my hand this 27th day of December One thousand eight hundred and forty eight James Tullet Robert George John Simes Both of Hoptons Alms Houses Green Walk Proved: 17 April 1849 Will of James Tullet formerly of Dyor Street Graves Lane now late of Hoptons Almshouses Green Walk both in the Parish of Christ Church in the County of Surrey London Metropolitan Archives