In the name of God Amen I Jhon Hoone beinge in good and perfit memory Comite my Soule unto almighte God and my bodey to be buried in christian buriall when it shall plese God to take me; First I bequeth and gyve unto Alice my Wyfe all my landes in the parishe of Bysley and all that I have in Horsell her lyfe tyme And after her decease I gyve it unto my Sonne Jhon Hoone and to his eares lawfully begotten And if he parss without eares of his boddy I will it unto Jhosephe my sonne and to his eares lawfully begotten I give unto Jhon my sonne to score bollockes Also I give to Jhosephe My son syxe pounds of good and lawful monny of Englande to be payd him when he cometh to the age of one and twentey yeres Also I gyve unto Joane my Daster a cowe and I gyve unto Anne my Daster another cowe and to have them delyvered to them when the be twente years of age So I make my Wyfe hoole executor And I make my overseers Henry Atfelde and Thomas Goringe And the to have for their paines xiid where made the xxiijth day of February 1594. The marke of Jhon Hoone Wittnesses Jhon Atfelde Jhon Cobbatt ye elder Austin Woodes Probatm ? decimo quarto die Maii Anno dmi 1594 ? The Inventory of all the goodes and cattell of Jhon Hone perused and praysed the xxiiijth day of Aprill by Jhon Cobbat the elder Jhon abis Thomas Younge and William Hone 1594 In primis he had in his purse xiid It. his wearinge aparrill vis viijd It. a table and a forme to stoles xijd It. the brasse and pewter iijs It. a broche and a tryste & potthockes viijd It. to flocke beddes with the bolsters and coverbyts and a viis xd blankat & a peare of Shetes It. a bedsted to shetes and all other lomber iijs It. foure bushells of Rye in the House vis It. thre acars of winter corne one the grounde xxxs It. five acars of ottes on the grounde xvs It. on Cow to hekefers and foure male bollockes and a lyttell mare vl It. on tegge xviijd It. a parte and a donge potte iijs iiijd It. fyve hennes and a coke ijs Sum ixl xiid