In the Name of God Amen the six and twentieth day of May one thousand six hundred and ninety six And in the eighth year of the Reign of our Soveraigne Lord William the third of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland King Defender of the ffaith I Thomas Young of Sanderstead in the County of Surry husbandman being by the blessing of God in good health and of sound Judgement and memory doe make and ordaine this my last Will and Testament as followeth ffirst I bequeath my Soul to God and when I dye my body to the grave in sure and stedfast hope of the Resurrection to eternall life through Jesus Christ And as to the Worldly Substance wherewith God hath blesst and rewarded my Labours I give and bequeath as is hereinafter expressed Imprimis I give and bequeath unto my daughter Elizabeth Hart of London widdow three pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid in six moneths next after my decease Item I give unto the widdow of my brother Jasper Young the sum of three pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid within the said terme of six moneths next after my decease Item I give unto my Grandson Thomas Young the sonn of Thomas Young late of Sanderstead aforesaid the summe of three score pounds of like money Item I give unto my Grandson Jasper Young the sonn of the said Thomas Young deceased the summe of three score pounds of like money to be paid unto the said Jasper when he shall attain unto the age of one and twenty yeares and the Interest of the said three score pounds to be in the meane tiem constantly paid unto the said Jasper during his minority every halfe yeare successively till such time as the said Principall of the three score pounds shall become payable and paid and if the said Jasper shall happen by the Will of God to dye before he attain unto the said age of one and twenty yeares then the said threescore pounds I ordaine to be paid to his brother the before named Thomas Young or his Heires Item I give unto my sonn Jasper Young the summe of twenty pounds for and towards the payment of fourteen pounds and the Interest arising thereon due upon a certaine Bond of the said Jasper to Anthony Homewood of Sanderstead aforesaid husbandman and my will herein is that the said sume of twenty pounds or any part or parcel thereof shall not be paid to the said Jasper until the said Bond and the contents thereof shall be first satisfyed and discharged Item I give unto my sonn in Law Anthony Homewood and Susan his wife all my goods and household stuff whatsoever Item I give and appoint for and towards my Buryall the summe of ten pounds to be paid by my Executors hereafter named Item I doe hereby nominate and appoint the before said my sonn Jasper Young together with my grandsons Thomas and Jasper to be joint Executors of this Will assigning and requireing them faithfully to pay all the Legacyes and bequests herein mentioned and all other my lawfull Debts whatsoever And my will herein alsoe is that whatever Overplus money shall be remaining after the severall Legacyes and Debts the same shall be equally divided by even portions unto the sole use and benefit of the agforesaid my Grandsons Thomas and Jasper and noe other Last of all I give unto my good and loveing Neighbours Henry Woodstock and Thomas Judery each of them two shillings and sixpence nominateing and desireing them to be Overseers of this my last Will and Testament hereby revokeing all Wills and Promises formerly be me made In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale the day and yeare first above written The marke of Thomas young signed and sealed in the presence of Jno Sheppard The Marke of Matth Tax Atwood Proved at London 27 February 1699/70 PCC Prob11/449