In dei nom Amen the xxviijth day of the month of March in the yer of ye lord god a thousand fyve hundred and vij I Thomas Cobat of Bysley in the Countie of Surr of the dioc of Winchest Husbandman Hole of mynd and being of good memory tavid be almighte god mak my testament conteyning my last will in man and forme folowing First I bequeth my Soule to almighte god my maker and savor to the blessed virgyn Mary his mother and to all the sents of helven my body to be buried in the Churchyard of Send John Baptiste of Bysley aforsaid Item I bequeth to the mother Church of Winchester iiijd Item to the Hey ?uter of Bysley ijd Item I will that William Wylward and Richard Wysdom shall sell my land called nylie land and wt the sylvr that shall come of the Salle there of to pay the detts yf any left of the same sylvr I will that my iiij daughers shal have it Item I bequeth to Thomas my son my tent called Wallev??? thappte???? Item I bequeth to Isabell my daughter iij kyne Item to Eleno my daughter iij kyne The residue of all and singular my goods above not bequethed my detts wele and trule paid and this my Testament and last Will fulfilled I gyve and bequeth Holy to William Wilward and Richard Wysdom the which William and Richard I make of this my present testament and last will myn executors And Nicholas atlee Supvisor of the same they to dispose the said residue for the wellyth of my Soule in the best means they can to the plesure of almightie god and for the profite of my Soule Yeven at Bysley the day and yer above said Probatum ? octoribris