In the name of god amen I Jhon Cobbat beinge in good memory comitt my Soule to allmighte god my boddey to buried in the Church Yard of Bysley I bequeth to my Sonne Rychard abed a boulster and a coverlyt and a peare of shetes and thre good platters and a lytll bratche I gyve to Jone my Dalter a ringed canderne and thre god platters and a bratche a dripping pane and a cheste I gyve to Serite my Dalter a brasse pott and thre platters and the cheste she hath all the rest of my goodes I gyve to my Wyfe and to ye Jhon Cobbat my Sonne So I do make my Wyfe and my Sonne Jhon my whole and full executors to gether with in Dore and with out And I will Jhon Cobbat my cosen and John Honne the younger my over seers and I gyve them xijd apece for their paynes For the be witnesses to these my will and testament so god be my comfort and send me of his grace Probatm ? nono die mensis maij Anno Dmi 1592 ? The Invintory of Jhon Cobbat made the therde day of January in the Yeare of our lorde god 1592 It he hade in his purse xijd It his a parrell vs It a tabell a forme and arounde tabell & a chare to stoles xviijd It a cobbard with xi oulde platters & to peuter pottes xs thre canstickes It the brass xs It all the sylve weare ijs xid It all the beddinge of to beddes and that longethe to them xiijs iiijd It thre oulde chestes xiid It all the Lomber iiijs iiijd It a Cowe and a mare xxvjs viijd It the corne upon the grounde and the fodder in the barne xxxs It foure flytches of bacen and iij egges xs The names of the preasers of these Invintory Jhon Cobbat Mathew Snellinge Jhon Hone yonger William Bannister