The verball Will of Thomas Chandler Late of Bisley Victualler The said Thomas Chandler uppon the Eleaventh day of April Anno Do.i 1637 being in good sense and memorye though weake in bodie did ordeyne his last will and Testamt before us Richard Massey Robt Lee and John Fernhead in manner and forme following First he recommended his soule unto god and being asked what he would doe with his goods and Chattells his answer was: My will is thus Verrily I give unto John Chandler my Eldest sonne Fortie shillings I allso give unto Thomas Chandler my sonne Fortie Shillings I allso give unto Henry Lee my late Wives sonne one Cow and a calf: The rest of my goods whatsoever and wheresoever I give to Rose Edmeade Widow and my sole daughter whom I make the sole executrix of this my last will and Testamt and I entreat Mr Massey and Robt Lee to see all things done according to this my Will. Wee are wittnesses hereunto Richard Massey Robert Lee May 13 1637 was sworne Rose Edmeade By me William Kaye Probatum fuit ? Decimo tertio Die mensis Maii Anno Dmi 1637 ?