In the name of God Amen I Agnes Attfeild of Bisley in the Countie of Surrey Mayden being sick in bodye but sound & perfect in Memory (praised be to God) do ordayne & make this my last will and Testament in Manner and Forme following Imprimis I commend my soale into the hands of almighty God and my bodie to be buried with plain buriall in the Churchyard of Bisley aforesaid Itm I give to ye poore of the said pish of Bisley xiiL to be paid them the daie of my buriall : Itm I give unto Robt Boldam the younger ye sonne of Robt Boldam my brother in Law the summe of xL of lawfull English money to be paid unto the said Robt Boldham the younger within twoe yeares next after the decease of Nicholas Attfeild my father : Itm I give unto Joane Boldam Daughter of the said Robt Boldam the summe of xL of like Lawfull English money to be paid unto the said Joane Boldam within twoe yeares next after the decease of my said father Nicholas Attfeild : And if it fortunes either of the said children do dye before the expiracon of the said twoe yeares after my fathers decease then my will is that the survivor of them named shall have the whole xxL : And if both of them shall dye before the said time then my will is that my sister Joane Boldam Wife of Robt Roldam the elder shall have the said xxL to her sole & exclv use : Itm I give unto the said Robt Boldam the younger one brasse pott and one brasse pann : Itm I give unto the said Joane Boldham Daughter of Robt Boldham one Chest with all the linnen and other utensles therein : Itm I release & forgive unto my brother Robt Boldam the elder all debts & demands due unto me from him towards the Charges of my buriall: Itm I ordeine And make the said Robt Boldam the elder my full & sole executor of this my last will and Testament & doe assigne and pass over to him and bond wherin Henry Attfeild my brother is bound unto and for the payment of the said xxL at the tyme before limited and I doe give full power & authority to the said Robt Boldam my Executor to take remand & demand the said xxL at the tyme before limited of the said ?hedge and to take any lawfull course for the paiement thereof if the same shall be deteyned or kept back by the said ?h?dge : Itm I appoint John Cobbet Esquire and John Fernhead overseers of this my last will & Testament and doe give unto each of them xiid a peece : In wittnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand the eighth daie of July 1623. The mark of Agnes Attfield Witnesses hereunto Rich. Massey John C Cobbett John Fearnhead Probatum fuit ? vicesimo quinto die mensis Marty Ao Dmi 1624 ?