In the name of God Amen. I Edmund Bonsey of Bisley in the Countie of Surri husbandman being sick in body but sound and perfect in remembrance do ordeyne and make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following Imprimis I Commend by Sole into the hands of allmighty God and my body to be buryed in the Churchyard of Bisley: Item I give unto the poore of the said parishe xiid to be paid upon the day of my buriall Item I give unto my Daughter Jone Bonsey one Enoe Item I give unto my other Daughter Ann Gyles one Enoe The rest of my goods and Chattels unbequeathed I give unto my Wife Alice Bonsey and John Hone to be equally divided amongst them whom I make my Executrs I ???? Thomas Goring and Henry Cobbett to be the overseers of my Will And for their Paynes I give to each of them xiid In Witnesse whereof I have hereunto sett my hand the Sixth Daye of September 1613. The mark of Edmund Bonsey Witnesses hereto Rich. Massey Thomas T Goring Henry Cobbet Probatm fuit ???? Testatm ? decimo die mensis Septembris ano dmi 1613 ?