This is the last Will and Testament of me Daniel Quiddington in the Parish of Sanderstead in the County of Surry Wheelwright ffirst I do hereby direct that All such just Debts as I shall owe at my decease together with my ffuneral Charges and Expences and the charges of the Probate of this my Will be in the first Placer paid and discharged by my Executor hereinafter named I give and bequeath to my Brother William Quiddington ffifteen Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain I give and bequeath unto my Sister Susannah Witmore ffifteen Pounds of lawful Money of Britain I give and bequeath to my Nephew Daniel Quiddington twenty five Pounds of like lawful Money of Great Britain I give and bequeath to my Executor Thomas Quiddington twenty five Pounds of like lawful Money of Great Britain and I also direct at my decease that all book Debts Bills Bonds Goods Wearing apparel and every thing that I am Possessed of whatsoever and wheresoever share and share alike to the above named Thomas Quiddington and Daniel Quiddington I constitute and appoint the above named Thomas Quiddington to be sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby make null and void any former or other Will or Wills any tine before by me made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this twenty eighth day of August one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine Daniel Quiddington John Wood John Sharp Proved at London 10 February 1790 PCC Prob11/1188