In the name of God Amen I Edmond Yalden of Thursley in the county of Surrey Yeoman being aged but in good health and memory praise be given to Almighty God Doe make ordain and write this my present last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to say ffirst and principally I commend my soule into the hands of Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my sins and to inherit everlasting life and my Body I commit to the earth to bee decently buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named Item I give to the poore people of the parish of Thursley three pounds to be distributed to them by my sonne John Yalden and John Stilwell within three moneths after my decease Item I give to my loveing wife one hundred and fifty pounds to bee paid to her within one yeare after my decease and half e the linnen and halfe the pewter and the best bed and bedstead with the furniture thereto belonging Item all the rest and residue of my goods and Chattells as well reall and psonall moveable and unmoveable whatsoever not given nor bequeathed my debts being paid , my legacies fulfilled and my funeral expences discharged I give and bequeath unto my loveing Sonne John Yalden whom I make and ordaine full & sole Executor of this my last will and testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto out my hand & seale the Seaventeenth day of December Anno Domini one thousand six hundred eighty one Edmond Yalden Will Chase William Smith Robert Keene his marke Proved 16 September 1684 PCC Prob11/377