This is the last Will and Testament of me Daniel Quiddington Widower of Coulsdon in the County of Surry Wheelwright being of sound mind memory and understanding do this fifteenth day of August in the year of our Lord 1829 make and publish the same in manner and form following that is to say my Will and desire is that the business of a Wheelwright which I now exercise may be carried on for the benefit of my family and therefore I leave the whole of my effects cash goods timber tools notes deeds and book debts in a word all my property wheresoever in trust to my Executors hereinafter appointed for the general benefit and bringing up of my children until the youngest (now about two years old) shall be ten years of age at which period my Will and desire is that my eldest son Daniel Quiddington shall have the full possession of the whole in his own right still hoping and trusting he will continue to do all he can for his brothers and sisters And I do hereby constitute and appoint my said son Daniel Quiddington Wheelwright and Mr James Barrett of Coulsdon Surry carpenter Executors of this my last Will and Testament in full confidence they will endeavour to execute the same according to spirit and meaning thereof In witness where of I have to this my last Will and Testament set and subscribed my hand and seal the day and year first above written Daniel Quiddington Henry Rowland Edward Walker Proved 22 September 1829 PCC Prob11/1760