In the Name of God Amen. I Henry Wallden of the parish of Chobham in the County of Surry yeoman being in perfect health thanks be to God for the same Do make this my last will and Testament in manner and form following First I having already surrendered all my Copyhold Estates to the use of my Will I give and devise unto my Nephew William Seger of Old Brentford by the parish of Ealing otherwise Ieling in the County of Middlesex all those my three Houses Messuages or Tenements with their appurtenances situate and being in Old Brentford aforesaid as also one Freeholdhouse at Stepney in the Hamlet of Ratcliff in the said County of Middlesex and the Moiety or half part of three more Freehold Houses lying and being in the same place together with all the Lands and Premises to them and every of them belonging with their Appurtenances To hold to him his Heirs and Assigns absolute and for ever On Condition nevertheless that he the said William Seger his Heirs and Assigns do and shall well and duly pay or cause to be paid all the Legacies herein given next I give unto the six Children of my Niece Hannah Wilkinson Vizt. Charles Hannah Jane Sarah William and George Wilkinsons fifteen pounds apiece I give to my Nephew Stephen Doe Twenty pounds I also give to Mary Attfield daughter of my sister Sencia twenty five pounds also I give to my Nephew Joseph Seger twenty pounds also I give James and William the two Sons of my Brother James Wallden deceased otherwise two sons of Ann Hone Daughter of John Hone Clarke of Horsell deceased thirty pounds apiece Also I give to Sarah the wife of Luke Pope of Mitcham in the County of Surry twenty pounds I also give to Susannah Clarke daughter of my Niece Jane Powell Fifteen pounds all which aforesaid Legacies I will and order to be paid to such of my said Legatees as shall then have attained their ages of twenty one years within twelve months next after my decease and to such of them as shall at that time be under that age to be severally paid as they shall arrive at their said ages of twenty one years And I do make subject all the aforesaid Estates herein above given to my said Nephew William Seger with the Payment thereof next I give and devise unto Martha Wife of Thomas White of Chobham aforesaid husbandman whom I now reside with all that my Copyhold House at Stepney in the Hamlett of Ratcliff in the said County of Middlesex together with all the Land and Premises to the same belonging with the Appurtenances for the term of her natural life and all Rents and Profits thereof to be paid into her hand as the same shall become due and her Receipt to be their discharge for the same and on other Person or Persons whatsoever and from and after her decease I give the same to her now Husband Thomas White if in case he shall live to survive his said Wife for term of his natural life Upon Condition that they shall keep or cause the same to be kept in ????antable repair and also keep the Insurance Money paid not to lose the benefit thereof during both their natural lives And in case it should so happen that the said Premises shall be burned down in either of their life times I will and order all such Money as shall be of right due and payable from the Assurance office for the same shall be paid into the hands of my Trustees herein named their Heirs Executor or Administrators and by them put out at Interest either on Mortgage or Government Security and the Issues and Profits thereof to pay the same to the said Martha White separate from her said Husband or to any future Husband as the same shall become due during her natural life and after her decease to her said Husband Thomas White in like manner during his natural life and further I give them the said Martha White and Thomas White or the survivor of them power after this Lease is out as the said Premises are now let by to let another Lease of the same at any time not to exceed twenty one years but not to Lower the Rent thereof nor alter the Conditions of the said Lease for the worst on any account whatsoever and from and after both their deceases I give all the said Copyhold house Lands and Premises with the Appurtenances to my said Nephew Joseph Seger To hold to him his heirs and Assigns for ever together if in case of Fire as aforesaid the whole principal Money arising from the said Insurance Office for the same Next I give and devise to Henry Wallden Son of my Brother James Wallden otherwise Son of Ann Hone Daughter of John Hone Clarke of Horsell deceased all that my Freehold and Copyhold Estate Messuage or Tenement Land and Premises in Chobham aforesaid with their Appurts to hold to him for term of his natural life and from and after his decease I give all the said last mentioned Land and Premises to the Male Heir of the said Henry Wallden which shall be born to him of his now wife Ann and for want of such Male Heir then to the Female heirs of him the said Henry Wallden born to him of his now wife Ann equally amongst them if more than one but if but one then to that one and for want of such Female heirs then I give all the said Copyhold and Freehold Estate to Stephen Doe Son of my Nephew Stephen Doe Apprentice to Mr. Butt of Chertsey to hold to him his heirs and Assigns for ever But upon condition nevertheless to be subject to the Payment of an Annuity of Five pounds a year clear of all taxes to be paid by equal half yearly payments to Ann now the wife of the said Henry Wallden from the time of her said husbands decease for the term of her natural life with full power and authority if the same or any part thereof at any time or times shall be behind or unpaid the space of thirty days after the same shall become due being lawfully demanded to obtain or make distress for the same and all Charges occasioned thereby as Landlords do for Rent upon the said Premises and I do appoint Richard Fladgate of Cross Lane in the Parish of Woking Richard Young of Naphill in Woking aforesaid and John Knowls of Chobham aforesaid Trustees of this my Will and to be paid for their trouble in so doing by my Executor and Lastly as to all the rest and residue of my personal Estate I give to my said Nephew William Seger and he paying all my Funeral Expenses I do appoint him sole Executor of this my Will hereby revoking all former and other Wills by me heretofore made and declare this to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the thirteenth day of January in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty eight Henry Wallden @ - Signed Sealed published and declared by the said Testator Henry Wallden as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our Names as Witnesses the Interlining was made before Executed ? Thomas Mepham Robert Stevens Jun.r George Edmead. This Will was proved at London the tenth day of November in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty nine before the worshipful William Battine Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Honourable Sir William Wynne Knight also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oath of William Seger the Nephew of the deceased and sole Executor named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been first sworn duly to administer.