This is the last Will and Testament of me Patience Stevens of the Parish of Wokeing in the County of Surrey Widow as follows First I direct that all and singular my just Debts Funeral Expences and the Expences of proving this my will shall be fully paid and satisfied by my Trustees and Executors hereinafter named and from and after full payment thereof and subject thereto I Give and bequeath to my Son James Stevens and my Son in Law Edmund Vincent the Sum of Four hundred Pounds of lawful Money of Great Britain part of my Personal Estate Upon Trust that they or the Survivor of them or the Executors or Administrators of such Survivor do and shall immediately after my decease place out or continue at Interest the said Sum of Four hundred Pounds either upon Government or good and sufficient Mortgage Security or Securities and call in vary and transpose the same upon or for other Security or Securities of a similar nature as often as they in their discretion shall think proper And do and shall pay and apply the Dividends and Interest thereof from time to time as the same shall become due unto my Daughter Elizabeth the wife of the said Edmund Vincent for and during the Term of her natural Life to and for her own use and benefit And from and after her decease Upon Trust to pay to or otherwise transfer the said principal Sum of Four hundred Pounds and the Security or Securities upon which the same may be invested unto and amongst all and every the Children of the said Elizabeth Vincent lawfully begotten that shall be living at the time of her decease equally to be divided between them (if more than one) share and share alike and if but one then to such only Child at his her or their respective Age or Ages of Twenty one years But if the said Elizabeth Vincent shall depart this Life without leaving Issue lawfully begotten living at her decease Then upon Trust after her decease and such failure of Children as aforesaid to pay to and apply or otherwise permit and suffer my Son Peter Stevens to receive and take the Dividends and Interest of the said principal Sum of Four hundred Pounds from time to time as the same shall become due for and during the term of his natural Life And from and after his decease Upon Trust to pay to or otherwise transfer the said principal Sum of Four hundred Pounds or Assign or Transfer the Security or Securities in or upon which the same may be invested unto all and every the Children of the said Peter Stevens lawfully begotten that shall be living at the time of his decease or born in due time afterwards equally to be divided between them (if more than one) share and share alike and if but one then to such only Child at his her or their respective Age or Ages of Twenty one years And upon further Trust to pay and apply the Dividends Interest and annual produce of the said Sum of Four hundred Pounds during the minority or Minorities of such last named Child or Children for or towards their respective Maintenance and bringing up in such manner as they my said Trustees shall in their discretion think best But in case the said Peter Stevens shall depart this Life without leaving any Issue by him lawfully begotten living at his decease or born in due time afterwards or leaving any Children or Child all of them shall depart this Life under the Age of Twenty one years Then from and after the decease of the said Peter Stevens without Issue or such failure of Issue as aforesaid Upon Trust to pay or transfer the said principal Sum of Four hundred Pounds or Assign or Transfer the Security or Securities in or upon which the same may be invested unto such Person or Persons as shall in either of the events last aforesaid and at the time of such events happening be my next of Kin according to the Statutes for the distribution of an Intestates Effects And I Give and bequeath the same accordingly Also I Give and bequeath to my said Son James Stevens the Sum of Thirty Pounds of lawful Money aforesaid in part payment and discharge of the Principal Sum of One hundred Pounds and Interest now due and owing to me upon his Note of Hand But my intention expressly is that nothing in this my Will contained or the Appointment I have hereinafter made of the said James Stevens to the Executorship hereof shall be construed to exonerate or discharge the said James Stevens from the payment of the Residue of the said Principal Sum of One hundred Pounds and Interest Also I Give and bequeath to my Son Thomas Stevens the Sum of Thirty Pounds of like lawful Money to be paid to him within three Calendar months next after my decease And (subject to the selection and choice of such Articles of my Plate Linen and Household Furniture as my Daughter the said Elizabeth Vincent may chuse to accept and take and which I accordingly give and bequeath to her for her own Use and benefit) All the rest and Residue of my goods Chattles Credits ready Money Money in the Funds and Securities for Money Plate Linen China Books Furniture Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what nature or kind soever the same may be which I may be possessed of or entitled to at the time of my decease I Give and bequeath unto my said Son Peter Stevens his Executors Administrators and Assigns to and for his and their own Absolute Use and benefit And I nominate and Appoint the said James Stevens and Edmund Vincent Executors of this my Will hereby revoking all former Wills by me made And my Will and meaning is that they my said Trustees and Executors shall not be answerable or accountable the one of them for the other of them or for the Acts Deeds Receipts or Defaults of the other of them but each of them for their his own Acts Deeds Receipts and wilful Defaults only And that they or either of them shall not be answerable or accountable for any Banker Broker or other Person with whom or in whose hands any part of the said Trust Monies shall or may be lodged or deposited for safe Custody or otherwise in the Execution of the Trusts hereby in them reposed Nor for the deficiency or insufficiency either in Title or Nature of any Security or Securities in or upon which the said Trust Monies or any part thereof shall or may be placed out or invested nor for any other loss or damage which may happen or arise thereto unless the same shall be occasioned by their wilful neglect and default respectively And that they my said Trustees and Executors and the Survivor of them and the Executors and Administrators of such Survivor shall and may be at liberty from time to time to deduct retain to or reimburse himself and themselves respectively by and out of the Trust Monies and Effects all such Costs Charges Damages and Expences as they may respectively sustain expend disburse or be put unto in or about the Execution and Defence of the Trusts hereby in them reposed or in anywise relative thereto In Testimony whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament contained in three Sheets of Paper to the two first Sheets thereof set my Name and to this last Sheet my Hand and Seal this twentieth day of August in the year of our Lord One thousand Eight hundred and Fifteen The mark and seal X of Patience Stevens Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said Patience Stevens the Testator to be as and for her last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who in her presence and that of each other have subscribed our Names as Witnesses hereto. C Woods Henry Woods Godalming June 26th 1818. This Day appeared Personally Edmund Vincent the executor named in the within Will of the within named Testatrix Patience Stevens and made oath to the due and faithful Execution thereof And that the Personal Estate and Effects of the said deceased do not amount in Value to Eight hundred Pounds This Will of Patience Stevens late of Woking in the County of Surry Widow Deceas'd was proved on the twenty seventh day of October 1818 before the Reverend Robert Elinn Clerk or Surrogate by the Oath of Edmund Vincent one of the Executors named in the said Will he having been first sworn duly to administer, Power reserved to James Stevens the Son of deceased and other Executor. DW/PA/5/1818/20