In the Name of God Amen I Ann Roake of Horsell in the County of Surry Widow on Consideration of the uncertainty of this mortal life but of Sound and Perfect mind and memory blessed br Almighty God for the same Do make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to say) First and principally I Commend my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God if Trusting through the all sufficient Words Death and Passion of Christ my blessed Saviour and Redeemer to receive everlasting life and my Body to Buried in Christian Burial at the Discretion of my Executrixes And as to my Worldly Estate I Dispose of as followeth I give and devise to my Niece Mary the wife of John Golding her heirs and assigns all that my Messuage Farm and Lands in Horsell in and in Purford in the said County of Surry now in the Occupation of John Husewood and purchased of John Collyer together with the Tythes thereof To hold with their Appurts to my said neice Mary Golding her heirs and assigns for ever Chargeable as hereinafter mentioned I Give and Devise to my neice Ann the Wife of Henry Bartholomew all those my messuage Farm Lands and Premises lying and being in Chobham in the said County of Surry and now in the Occupation of John Knowls which was b??e the Estate of my Husband Richard Roake To have and to hold all the said Premises with their Appurts to my said niece Ann Bartholomew her heirs and Assigns for ever Chargeable as hereinafter mentioned I also Give my niece Ann Bartholomew and her husband Henry Bartholomew all those my Lands Meadows and Coppice Grounds called Freelands in Chobham aforesaid Now in the Occupation of John Knowls with their Appurts and Tythes thereof for the Term of their natural lives and the Survivor of them and after their decease to the heirs of the Body of my said Neice Ann Bartholomew if any there shall be and for want of such Issue I Give the last mentioned Lands called Freelands to my kinsman John Friend Son of my niece Mary Golding if he shall be then living and if not then to the heirs lawfully begotten to him in Wedlock if any there be but if in Case my said Kinsaman John Friend shall be then living and shall not live to attain his Age of Twenty one years not leaving a lawful Heir begotten in Wedlock as aford. Then I Give my last mentioned Lands called Freelands to my Nieces Mary Golding Deborah the Wife of William Still and Jane Edmead together with the Tythes thereof to be annually Divided between them share and share alike To hold to them with their Appurts and to their Heirs and Assigns for ever I also Give my said kinsman John Friend the annual Sum of Eight pounds to be paid him yearly and every year until he shall attain his age of Twenty one years to be applied for his Use and Education and when he shall attain to the Age of Twenty one years I Give him the sum of Two hundred Pounds all which said Several Sums of money I charge all the Estate I have in this my Will devised to his mother Mary Golding with the payment thereof and as the Same shall become due I Give my Niece Ann the Wife of Henry Bartholomew and my said niece Jane Edmead the Sum of Fifty Pounds apeice to be paid within Twelve months after my Decease out of the Estates I have before settled on my niece Elizabeth now the Wife of Thomas Cole which I made a re????e of when Settled I Give my niece Deborah the wife of William Still the Sum of One hundred Pounds I Give my niece Jane Edmead the Sum of Fifty pounds which said two last Legacies I Charge all that Estate I have herein Given to my neice Mary the Wife of John Golding and to be paid within Twelve months after my Decease as to my Sister Sarah the Wife of Richard Bonsey I have herebefore Settled Twenty pounds yearly on her out of Gro??e Barl Estate (I Also Give and Devise to my neice Deborah the Wife of William Still her Heirs and Assigns all those my messuages Farms Lands and Premises in Wokeing in the said County of Surry both freehold and Copyhold now in the Occupation of John Heather To hold to my Niece Deborah Still with all their Appurts to her and her Heirs and Assigns for ever) I Give and Devise to my Neice Jane Edmead her heirs and assigns all that my messuage or Tenement Close of Land and Garden with the Appurts in Horsell aforesaid now in the Occupation of James Sheet together with the tythes thereof and also all that my Messuage or Tenement together with the Barns Buildings Farm and Lands thereto belonging called East Quise and also one Field Called South M???? now used with the same all which is situate in Horsell aforesaid and now in the Occupation of my self and Mark Frost together with their and every of their Appurts and the Tythes thereof and also all those my five acres of Land called Parley mill being in the said County of Surry together with the Appurts To have and to hold all the said Premises with their Appurts unto my said neice Jane Edmead her Heirs and Assigns forever Chargeable as is hereinafter mentioned I also Give my Niece Jane Edmead all my Household Goods and Furniture of what kind and nature soever and half of my wearing Apparel of all kinds whatsoever and the other half thereof to my Sister Sarah the Wife of Richard Bonsey and I Desire my neice Jane Edmond may Divide the same and my said Sister may look it over and choose which Part pleases her I Also Give my neice Jane Edmead all other my Linen and Plate whatsoever I also Give to my said Neice Ann Bartholomew and Jane Edmead all the rest and residue of my Personal Estate Chargeable with my Husbands Debts my Debts and Funeral Expenses which I Direct to be paid as soon as may be and in Case the said residue of my Personal Estate shall not be sufficient for that purpose I then Direct my said Nieces Ann Bartholomew and Jane Edmead in equal proportion shall make Good the Deficiencys (that is to say) each to pay an equal share alike and with the Payment of each part I Charge all the Estates to them my said Neices respectively Devised as aforesaid I have Surrendered my Several Copyhold Estates to the use of my Will And do Appoint my said neices Ann the wife of Henry Bartholomew and Jane Edmead Executrixes thereof and do revoke all former and other wills by me at any time heretofore made In Witness whereof I the said Ann Roake have to this my last Will and Testament containing of these two sheets of paper set my hand and Seal this Twenty Eighth Day of June in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Fifty nine. Anne Roake ~ Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the above said Anne Roake the Testatrix to be as and for her last Will and Testament contained on these two Sheets of Paper in the Presence of us who have Subscribed our names as Wtnesses in the Presence of the Testatrix. James Stedman James Sheet John Knowles This Will was proved at London the thirteenth day of May in the year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and Seventy one before the Worshipful Francis Simpson Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Right Worshipful George Hay also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully Constituted by the Oath of Ann Bartholomew (Wife of Henry Bartholomew) and Jane Edmead Spinster the neices and Executixes named in the said Will to whom Administration was Granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the Deceased they having been first sworn duly to administer.