I Matilda RUSSELL of ?Winton? Number 2 Leas Road Guildford Surrey Widow HEREBY REVOKE all former Wills and testamentary dispositions made by me AND DECLARE this to be my last Will. 1. I APPOINT my sons George Leonard Russell and William Harold Russell to be my Executors. 2. IF my said two sons shall survive me I GIVE all my property whatsoever and wheresoever both real and personal unto and equally between them. 3. IF my said son William Harold Russell shall predecease me I DIRECT that his share of my estate whether original or accruing shall go to his son Eric Russell. 4. IF my said son George Leonard Russell shall predecease me I GIVE a legacy of One hundred Pounds to his daughter Mrs. Eileen Swayne Fifty Pounds to his son Donald Russell and all the remainder of my property to the said William Harold Russell if he shall then be living and if not to his said son Eric Russell. IN WITNESSES whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twentyninth day of January One Thousand nine hundred and thirty four. SIGNED by the said Matilda Russell as and for her last Will in the joint presence of herself and us who at her request and in such joint presence have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses: Cecil E*****? , Solicitor; L.M? Broadbent, Dastele, Hookley Lane, Elstead, Surrey, spinster.