The last Will and Testament of Simon Quennell of Chertsey in the County of Surrey Inn Keeper I do hereby give and bequeath unto my dear wife Susannah all my Personal Estate whatsoever and I do appoint her Executrix of this my Will I do also give and devise to my said Wife and the Heirs of her Body all my ffreehold Estates in the County of Surry or elsewhere and also my right Title Interest Remainders or Reversions which I have or may claim of in or to all or any of the Lands and Premises devised to me after the death of my Mother by the Will of my ffather Peter Quennell In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fifteenth day of ffebruary and in the seventh Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord the King 1743 Simon Quennell Henry Wapshot Junr Nicklas Wooten William Horne Junior Proved 9 June 1744 PCC Prob11/734