I Edward Smith of Bisley in Surrey Victualler do hereby declare this to be my Will I give and bequeath the whole of my Property and Effects whatsoever and wheresoever unto my Friends William Chandler and Daniel Gosden both of Bisley Farmers Upon trust to call in sell and convert the same into Money And in the first place to pay thereout my just debts funeral and testamentary expenses And in the next place to pay thereout to my Daughters Martha and Margaret a Legacy of Ten Pounds each for their own use and benefit And after payment thereof Upon trust to divide the residue of my Estate in Nine equal Parts or shares and to pay one of such equal ninth parts or shares unto each of my Eight surviving Children namely Ann, William, Jane, Hannah, John, Harriet and Margaret respectively And to pay the other and remaining equal ninth part thereof unto the two Children of my late Daughter Rebecca equally between them And I give devise and bequeath unto the said William Chandler and Daniel Gosden their heirs executors administrators and assigns all the Estates which are now vested in me upon Mortgage the better to enable them to get in the Monies thereby secured But such Monies shall form part of my Estate And I nominate and appoint the said William Chandler and Daniel Gosden Executors of this my Will and direct that they shall be paid their reasonable expenses In witness whereof I the said Edward Smith have hereunto set my hand the nineteenth day of November One thousand eight hundred and fifty one. The Mark of X Edward Smith Signed by the said Testator and declared by him to be his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who in his Presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses - Thos Vincent Edmund Vincent Solicitor Guildford Twenty fourth day of April 1854 William Chandler and Daniel Gosden the Executors named in the within Will were duly sworn to the truth and faithful performance of the same and as usual and that the whole of the Goods Chattels and Credits of the deceased do not amount in value to the sum of Three hundred pounds and that the deceased died on the eleventh day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty four. Before me John Richards Surrogate The Testator Edward Smith was late of Bisley in the County of Surrey Licensed Victualler. This Will of Edward Smith late of Bisley in the County of Surrey Licensed Victualler deceased was proved on the 28th day of April in the Year of our Lord 1854 Before the Reverend John Richards Clerk & Surrogate by the Oaths of William Chandler and Daniel Gosden the Executors named in the said Will to whom Admon was granted they having been first sworn duly to administer.