Thetcher Thomas Pro. Vicesimo sexto die Mensis January Anno Domi (stylo Anglio) Millimo sexedecimo septimo diseretum virum Johannem Holland Deoricum surrotum venti et egre?? viri Dui Mondefordi Branston Militis et Legum Doctori in et let Archinat Surrie Oficialis ?tirne constitut Emanavit Comittio Elizabetha Bird (uxori Thomas Bird ) filia nrali et ?osina ???use Thomas Thetcher nu? de Bisley in Couy Surry idus jexti id Adminitratum bona, iura et Credita die desti de ???? et deg julio et con?ruto et iurat Thetcher Thomas Probate Twenty sixth day of the month of January AD (English Style) One thousand six hundred and seventy ????? The venerable John Holland ????? Surrogate and ?? ?? Monteford Branston Knight and Doctor of Laws ? Elizabeth Bird (wife of Thomas Bird) natural daughter and ???? ????? Thomas Thetcher late of Bisley in the County of Surrey ? Administration Goods ????? and Credits of the