This is the last Will and Testament of me George Gosden of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Farmer as follows (that is to say) In the first place I direct that all such debts as I shall justly owe at the time of my decease together with my funeral and testamentary charges and expenses be fully paid and satisfied by my Executors hereinafter named I give and bequeath the sum of Two hundred pounds now due to me from my Son James Gosden on a mortgage of certain Copyhold hereditaments situate in the Parish of Chobham in the said County of Surrey unto my Son George Gosden and James Try the younger of the said Parish of Chobham Farmer their executors administrators and assigns Upon Trust that the said George Gosden and James Try and the survivor of them and the executors administrators and assigns of such survivor do and shall permit and suffer the same to remain in its present actual state of investment or at their or his absolute discretion call in and receive the same And do and shall lay out and invest the same in their or his names or name in the purchase of a competent share or competent shares of any of the Parliamentary stocks or public funds of Great Britain or at interest upon Government or real Securities in England or Wales And do and shall from time to time alter vary and transpose the same stocks funds and securities into or for other stocks funds or securities of the like nature as to them or him shall seem meet And do and shall stand and be possessed of and interested in the said Sum of Two hundred pounds and the stocks funds and securities whereon the same shall be laid out or invested Upon trust that they my said Trustees and the survivor of them and the executors administrators and assigns of such survivor do and shall pay the interest dividends and annual produce thereof unto or permit the same to be received by my Wife Elizabeth Gosden and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease I direct that they the said George Gosden and James Try and the survivor of them and the executors administrators and assigns of such survivor do and shall stand possessed of the said sum of Two hundred pounds and of the stocks funds and securities whereon the same shall be laid out or invested In trust for my said son James Gosden his executors administrators and assigns for his absolute use and benefit and subject thereto and to the payment of my said debts funeral and testamentary expences I give and bequeath All and singular the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects whatsoever (and wheresoever unto my said Wife Elizabeth Gosden her executors administrators and assigns for her absolute use and benefit I give and devise unto my said wife Elizabeth Gosden All and singular my Messuages or Tenements Lands hereditaments and real estate whatsoever and wheresoever To hold the same with their appurtenances unto my said wife Elizabeth Gosden and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life and from and immediately after her decease I give and devise unto my said son George Gosden and his heirs All that my Messuage or Tenement (called New Bridge house) with the garden ground yard Barn Stable and Outbuildings thereto belonging And also all those two pieces or parcels of Arable and Meadow land thereunto adjoining and belonging situate lying and being in the said parish of Bisley and now in my own occupation Together with all other my real estate situate in the said Parish of Bisley And also all that my piece or parcel of Freehold and Tithe free Meadow land commonly called or known by the name of Old House Meadow containing by estimation two acres one rood and fifteen perches (more or less) situate lying and being in the said Parish of Chobham and now in my own occupation with all and singular the rights members and appurtenances unto and to the use of my said Son George Gosden his heirs and assigns for ever and from and immediately after the decease of my said wife I give and devise unto my said Son James Gosden and his heirs All that my piece or parcel of Freehold and Tithefree meadow land commonly called or known by the name of Trully Mead containing by estimation one acre two roods and four perches (more or less) situate lying and being in the said Parish of Chobham and now in my own occupation with the rights member and apputenances unto and to the use of my said Son James Gosden his heirs and assigns forever Provided always and I do hereby declare That if the Trustees hereby appointed or either of them or any future Trustee of this my will shall die or be desirous of being discharged from or refuse or become incapable to act in the trusts hereby created then and as often as the same shall happen it shall be lawful for the survivng or continuing Trustees or trustee of this my will or the executors or administrators of the last surviving or continuing Trustee by any writing or writings to appoint a new Trustee or Trustees and that upon every such appointment All the Trust premises shall be conveyed assigned and transferred respectively in such manner as that the same may be vested in such new Trustee or trustees solely or jointly with the surviving or continuing Trustee And I hereby declare that the Trustees or Trustee for the time being under this my will shall not be answerable the one for the others or other of them and by no means for involuntary losses And that it shall be lawful for such Trustees or Trustee for the time being to reimburse themselves out of the monies which shall come to their hands by virtue of the trusts aforesaid all their costs and expenses in the execution of the said trusts And lastly I do hereby nominate and appoint my said Son George Gosden and the said James try Executors of this my will hereby revoking and making void all former and other will and wills by me at any time heretofore made and do declare this only to be my last will and testament In Witness whereof I have to each sheet of this my will contained in three sheets of paper set my hand this twenty Seventh day of July in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six. George Gosden Signed by the Testator George Gosden in the presence of us, present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto set our names as witnesses thereto. St John John Mears, Swan Downer Dean Clerks to Mr John Mears Solicitor Bagshot Surrey In the Goods of George Gosden deceased Appeared personally Saint John John Mears of Bagshot in the County of Surrey Clerk to John Mears of the same place Solicitor, made Oath that he is one of the subscribed Witnesses to the last Will and Testament of George Gosden late of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Farmer deceased bearing date the twenty seventh day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty six and now hereunto annexed. And he further made Oath that having now particularly referred to the word "three" in the date of the said Will which is obliterated or struck through with a pen in the last line thereof and the word six written after the same this deponent saith that the said word three was so obliterated or struck through and the said word Six written after the same previously to the execution of the said Will the same being executed on the said twenty seventh day of July one thousand eight hundred and forty six. St John John Mears On the Seventh day of March 1847 the said Saint John John Mears was duly sworn to the truth of this Affidavit. Before me James Jerram Surrogate The Twenty third day of February One thousand eight hundred and forty seven. George Gosden and James Try the younger the Executors named in this Will were duly sworn to the due performance of the trusts hereof as usual Also that the whole of the deceased's Personal Estate does not amount in value to the sum of Three hundred pounds and that he died on or about the thirteenth day of October One thousand eight hundred and forty six. Before me James Jerram Surrogate This Will of George Gosden late of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Farmer deceased was proved on the thirteenth day of March 1847 before the Reverend James Jerram Clerk & Surrogate by the Oaths of George Gosden the Son and James Try the younger the Executors to whom Administration was granted they having been first sworn duly to administer.