In the Name of God Amen the too & twenty day October 1709 According to the Compution of the Church of England I Edward Gouring of Bisley in the County of Surrey yeoman being of perfect Memory and Remembrance Praised be god, do make & ordaine this my last will and Testament in Manner and form Following First I Bequeath my soul into the hands of Almighty God my Maker Hoping through the meritions Death and Passon of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer to receve free Pardon and forgiveness of all my sins: and as for my body to be buried in Christian burial at the Disscretion of my Executrix hereafter nominated. Item I give too Peases of Arabel Lying in Chobham unto Elizabeth my wife for term of her Life and after her decease then unto my Daughter Grace and her Heirs for ever Item all the rest of my Household goods whatsoever I give unto Elizabeth my wife and her Heirs forever upon Condition that she shall pay all my debts and Legaces and do make her Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament In Wittnese whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal ye day and yeare first above written Edward Goring in ye presences of George Rempnant Senr Humphrey Field ye marke of Henry X Feild 1 July 1713 Jurata fuit Elizabetha Goreing Wife Relict et Executrix ?