In the name of God Amen the one and thirtieth day of march one thousand six hundred and fifty eight according to the Computation of the Church of England I John Richbell of Effingham in the County of Surrey being of perfect memory and remembrance praised be God do make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in manner and form following first I bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my maker hoping that through the meritorious death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and redeemer to receive free pardon and forgivenesse of all my Sinnes And as for my body to be buried in Little Bookham by or betweene my two wives in Christian buriall by my Executors hereafter nominated Item I give unto Joane my wife one shilling Item I give unto my Sonne Jeffery Richbell one shilling Item I give unto my Sone Edward Richbell Tenn shillinges Item I give unto my Sonne William Richbell five pounds Item I give unto my Sonne Thomas Richbell Tenne Shillinges Item I give unto the two sonnes of Mr James Hindle which he had by Francis Richbell Tenne Shillings Item I give unto my Sonne in Law Richard Edser Ten Shillings Item I give unto the two Sons of Henry Inwood which hee had by my daughter Elizabeth Richbell Ten Shillings Item I give unto Henry Ested and my daughter his wife Five pounds Item I give unto Edward Weekes five Shillings Item I give unto my Grandchild John Richbell Sonne unto William Richbell Thirtie pounds to be paied him at the Age of Twentie yeares and the use of the Thirtie pounds till that Age to bring him up Item all the rest of Leases bonds bills goods and Chattells whatsoever I give unto my Sonne Henry Richbell and to his heires for ever upon Condition that hee shall pay my debts and Legacyes within one month after my decease And make him whole Executor of this my last will and Testament revokeing all other wills and Testaments In witnes whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seale the day and yeare first above written John Richbell John Durden Thomas Wood John Freeman Proved 27th October 1658 PCC Prob11/283