In the Name of God Amen I Richard Staples of the Parish of Saint Ann Limehouse Distiller being of sound mind and memory Do make this my last Will in manner and form following I desire I may be Buried without any Pomp or Shew but decently at the discretion of my Wife and Executors And as to my Estate I direct all my just Debts and ffuneral Charges to be fully paid and discharged I give to my beloved Wife Hannah Staples all and singular my Silver Plate Rings Jewells Watches Household Goods Linnen and ffurniture to and for her own Use and to dispose thereof among my Children as She shall think fit I give to my son and Daughter Simpson fforty pounds for Mourning and to my son and Daughter Smart the like Sum of fforty pounds for Mourning I give to my Clerk William Currie twenty pounds and to Nathaniel Kinch the Sum of Ten pounds in case they shall live with me at my decease All the rest and residue of my Estate whatsoever reall and personall I give devise and bequeath unto Mr John Simpson the Elder of Tower Hill and Joseph Stanwix of Bartletts Buildings and the Survivor of them In Trust that they or the Survivor of them do raise and lay out the sum of Six Thousand Six Hundred Pounds in Government or other Securitys such as my Wife and Trustees shall approve of and that the Interest or Income thereof be paid to my Wife for the maintenance of my Daughters Sarah and Elizabeth in such manner as my said Wife shall see proper, until they respectively attain their several Ages of twenty five years and then to be paid equally between them that is to say Three Thousand Three Hundred Pounds each or as much as the same will produce And I do also direct that the Sum of ffive Thousand pounds be raised by my Trustees and paid to my Son Richard Stapells at his Age of twenty one Years And I do further direct and my Will is that a further Sum of five Thousand pounds be laid out by my Wife and Trustees in Government or other Securities for my Daughters Martha and Ann and all the Interest which the same shall produce over and above their Maintenance and Education (which I hope my Wife will take care of) shall be placed out on good Securities in the Augmentation of their ffortunes And I direct that the said five thousand pounds or so much as the same shall produce be paid to them at their respective Ages of Twenty five Years equally between them But in case either of them the said Martha and Ann or both of them shall be desirous to have their respective ffortunes laid out in the purchase of Annuities for their lives and my Wife shall approve thereof then I direct my Trustees and Executors to comply with such desire And in case all or any of my Daughters shall happen to Marry with the Consent and Approbation of my said Wife and Trustees before their Age of twenty five Years then I direct that the ffortune of her so Marrying shall be paid upon such their respective Marriages but not otherwise And I do further direct and order that in case any of my said four Daughters shall happen to die before their ffortunes become payable and unmarried That the ffortune of her so dying shall be divided to and among my Wife and surviving Daughters or Daughter and for the care and trouble of my said Trustees I give to each of them one hundred pounds And I do make constitute and appoint my said Wife Hannah Stapels and my said two friends John Simpson and Joseph Stanwix Executors of this my last Will and Testament And I appoint and Authorise my said Executors to compound and discharge any Debts that shall or may be due to my Estate as they shall see fit and I hope they will improve what I have given to my Wife or Children in the best manner they can and I direct that they shall not be accountable for any loss that shall happen unless it be by their wilfull neglect and contrivance and that they shall be accountable for their own Acts only only and not one for another and that they shall be allowed all their Charges they shall or may be put to And as to the Surplus of my Estate over and above paying my Debts and Legacies and ffuneral Charges I give and bequeath the same to my Wife Hannah Stapells in order that she shall distribute so much thereof among my Children as she sees fit in her life time or by her Will In Witness whereof I have hereunto set and put my hand and seal this twenty first day of January in the Year of Our Lord 1746 Richd Stapells Benj: Wilding Popes Head Tavern Thos Simpson Whereas I Richard Staples of the Parish of Saint Ann Limehouse Distiller duly make and publish my last Will and Testament bearing the twenty first day of January One thousand seven hundred and forty six and nominated and appointed Mr Joseph Stanwix one of the Trustees and Executors thereof since which the said Mr Stanwix is dead And I have purchased some ffreehold Houses in Limehouse of Mrs Markby and her Daughters Now my Will is and I hereby give and devise unto my beloved Wife Hannah Stapells for her natural life all the said Houses and Hereditaments which I purchased of the said Mrs Markby and her Daughters and at her death I give and devise the same unto such one of my Children his or her Heirs as She my said Wife shall in and by her last Will and Testament in Writing give direct and appoint the same And my further Will is and I do hereby nominate and appoint Thomas Rayner the Elder of the said Parish of Saint Ann Limehouse top be a Trustee and Executor of my said Will and Codicil in the room of the said Joseph Stanwix jointly with Mr John Simpson the Elder in the said Will named and to that end and purpose I do give devise and bequeath all the rest and residue of my Estate whatsoever real and personal unto the said John Simpson the Elder and Thomas Rayner and the Survivor of them as fully and in the same manner and upon the same trusts and for the same purposes as in and by the said Will I gave devised and bequeathed the same unto the said John Simpson the Elder and Joseph Stanwix with the like Legacy of One Hundred Pounds to the said Thomas Rayner for his Trouble as I gave to the said Mr Stanwix And my Will is and I hereby declare this to be a Codicil to and to be taken as part of my last Will and Testament and I ratify confirm and establish my said Will in every other respect Except the variations made by this my Codicil In Testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this fourth day of July in the Year of Our Lord One thousand seven hundred and forty eight Richd Stappells Thos Simpson Willm Wittingham Jacb Davison (Further Codicil provides for administration in accordance with the Statute of Distributions dated Dec 1748 Witnesses: Richard Mason, Richard Gash) Proved 28th January 1748/9 PCC Prob11/767 (Note in Margin dated 2nd December 1761 letters of administration with will and two codicils annexed granted to Richard Stapells son of the deceased Hannah Stapells the relict having survived the Executors John Simpson and Thomas Rayner and died intestate) (Second note in margin dated 15th May 1764 that letters of administration with will and two codicils annexed was granted to Elizabeth Hodgson wife of George Hodgson the natural and lawful daughter of the deceased Richard Stapells the younger having died)