Instructions to be taken as the last Will and Testament of me William Smith of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Farmer - I give and devise unto my Friends John Knowls of Horsell in the County of Surrey Farmer and James Stedman of Horsell aforesaid Farmer their Heirs and assigns forever All and every my Freehold and Copyhold Messuages Farms Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Real Estate whatsoever and wheresoever situate lying and being over which I have any devising or disposing power Upon Trust that they or the Survivor of them or the Heirs of such Survivor do and shall as soon as conveniently may be after my decease sell and dispose thereof either together or in parcels by Public Auction or private contract And do and shall stand possessed of the Monies to arise by such Sale or Sales Upon the Trusts after mentioned and I direct that the Receipt or receipts of the said John Knowls and James Stedman and the Survivor of them and the Heirs of such Survivor shall be sufficient discharge and discharges to the purchaser or purchasers of my said Estates for his her or their purchase Money or Monies and that such purchaser or purchasers shall not afterwards be answerable for his her or their purchase Money or Monies or be bound to see to the application thereof And I give and bequeath all my personal Estate & Effects of every sort and kind unto the said John Knowls and James Stedman their Exors and Admors Upon Trust to convert the whole thereof - And I direct that they my said Trustees and the Survivor of them and the Executors and Admors of such Survivor do and shall stand possessed and Interested in the Monies to arise by the Sale of my said Freehold and Copyhold Estates and to be produced from my said Personal Estate and Effects ( after payment of my debts and Testamentary Expenses) In Trust to invest the same in or upon Government or Real Securities at Interest in England in the names or name of them my said Trustees or Trustee or the Survivor of them or the Exors or Admors of such Survivor and stand possessed of such Stocks Funds and Securities Upon Trust to pay assign and Transfer the same unto and equally between and amongst my Grandchildren Mary Knowls Elizabeth Knowls Henry Knowls and James Knowls share and share alike for their own use and benefit upon their attaining their respective Ages of twenty one years And in case any or either of my said Grandchildren shall die under the said age of twenty one years leaving lawful Issue of their his or her Bodies or Body then I direct the said Issue shall be entitled to the parents' share equally to be divided amongst such Issue if more than one but if any or either of my Grandchildren shall die under the said Age of twenty one years without leaving lawful Issue then I direct the share or shares of any or either of any said Grandchildren so dying without Issue to be paid & divided equally between the Survivors of my said Grandchildren share and share alike if more than one and if but one to such one - And I further direct my said Trustees and Trustee for the time being to pay the rents of my said Estates until sold and the Interst and Dividends of the Stocks Funds and Securities in or upon which the Monies to arise and be produced from any said Real and Personal Estates shall be invested unto my Son in Law Henry Knowls for the maintenance support and education of my said Grandchildren and their Issue until their respective shares in the said Trust Monies Stocks Funds and Securities shall become payable and transferable to them respectively in case he shall so long live but in the event of his death before those respective periods I direct my said Trustees or Trustee for the time being to apply the said Rents Interest and Dividends for the maintenance support and education of my said Grandchildren and their Issue until their shares in the said Trust Monies Stocks Funds and Securities shall become payable as aforesaid in such manner as they or he shall think proper - And I nominate constitute and appoint the said John Knowls and James Stedman Executors of this my last Will and Testament and hereby revoke all other wills be me heretofore made And I direct that it shall be lawful for my Trustees and Trustee for the time being to reinburse themselves and himself out of the said Trust promisses all such Costs Charches Damages and Expenses which they or either of them shall expend or be put to in the Execution of my Will And shall not be answerable for any loss unless thro his or their wilful neglect or default nor the one for the other of them - In Witness whereof I the said William Smith the Testator have hereunto set my Hand and Seal the twenty second day of February in the yaer of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty eight. The Mark of Smith William Smith Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the said William Smith the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. Joseph Hockley James Collyer William Penfold 23rd June 1828 John Knowls and James Stedman the Executors named and appointed in and by the above Will of the above named William Smith the Testator deceased were duly sworn to Execute the written above Will according to Law And that the whole of the Goods Chattles Rights Credits and Personal Estate of the said deceased do not amount in value to Two hundred Pounds. Before me Henry Parr Beloe Surrogate Testator died March 1828. This will of William Smith late of the Parish of Bisley in the County of Surrey Farmer deceased was proved on the fifteenth day of July 1828 Before the Reverend Henry Parr Beloe Clerk & Surrogate by the Oaths of John Knowls and James Stedmnan the Executors to whom Admon was granted they having been first sworn duly to Admr.