In the Name of God Amen the Seventh day of November Anno Dom 1713 and in the Twelveth year of the Reigne of our Gracious Sovereigne Lady Ann by the grace of God of Great Brittain France and Ireland Queene Defender of the Faith Etc I Thomas Collyer Senr of Bisley in the County of Surry Yeoman being very Sick and weake in Body but of good and perfect mind and memory (praise be given to God) doe make Ordaine and Declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following Revoking and Annulling all former and other Wills by me heretofore made and this to be taken for my last Will and Testament and no other (that is to say) first and principally I commend and bequeath my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer hoping that I shall Receive full pardon and free Remission of all my Sins for the previous death and passionsake of my Blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ And my body to the Earth from whence it came to be Buried in such Decent manner in Horsell Churchyard as it shall please my Executor hereafter named to Appoynt And as touchingsuch temporal Estate as the Lord of his Mercy far above my deserts hath bestooed upon me my Will and meaning is the same shall be imployed and bestoed as hereafter by this my Will is Expressed Imprimis I give and bequeath unto Henry my second son Fourty pound of lawful British money to be pay by my Executor hereafter named within one yeare next after my desesse Item: I give devise and bequeath unto John my Third Son my Non Erected Cottage or Tenement with the Barne Outhouses and all the land theirunto belonging which I purchased of John Attfeild Contayning by Estimation four acres more or less lying in the parish of Chobham in the County of Surry with all and every the appurtenances theirunto belonging to Remayne and be to the soale use and behoofe of my son John his Heires and Assigns forever upon this Condition that my Sd Son John doe well and truly pay out of these lands and Tenement unto my second Son Henry Fifty pounds of lawfull British money within one yeare next after my Desesse and allsoe unto my Eldest daughter Elizabeth Wey wife of John Wey one shilling within one yeare after my Desesse And allsoe unto Susan Franst my second daughter the summe of Twenty pounds of lawfull within one yeare next after my Desesse And allsoe unto Sarah my third daughter the sume of Thirty pounds of lawfull British money within Two years next after my desesse And allsoe unto Ann my fourth daughter the sume of Thirty pounds of lawfull British money with Three years next after my desesse Item: I allsoe give unto my daughter Ann Six of my Best Pewter Dishes Item: I give devise and Bequeath unto Thomas my Eldest Son All my lands and Tenements Goods and Chattells not above and bequeathed to Remayne and be to the Soale use and behoofe of my Sd Son Thomas his Heirs & forever he paying unto my sd daughter Ann out of these lands Tenement the sume of Five pounds of lawful British money within six months after my Desesse And allsoe that my sd Son Thomas shall out of these lands and Tenements which he enjoys well and truly pay and discharge all that Mortgage which all my lands and tenements are joyntly together Mortgaged to John Laurence of Okingham for Three Hundred and Fifty pounds And allsoe I doe Ordain and make my sd Son Thomas soale Executor of this my last Will and Testament he paying any and all Funeral Expenses and I doe desire my loving Brother Henry Dankens of Chobham and my Couzens William Wheeler and John Collyer Senr both of Horsell to be overseers of this my last Will & Testament desiring them to Assist my Executor and to see this my Will performed And my Will is that my Overseers shall be payd all such nesessary Disburements as they shall Expend about my business by my Executor In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the day and yeare first above written. Sealed Signed published and Declared by the said ThomasCollyer to be his last Will & Testament in Prsce of us Thomas Collyer Wm Wheeler the mark of Susan SS Smith Willm Collyer 19th January 1713/14 Juratus fuit Thomas Collyer Filius & Executor ?.