Bee it remembred that the nine and Twentieth day of September in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand six hundred fifty and eigth John Quint of ffarnham in the County of Surrey malter being then sicke in body of the which he dyed but of good and perfect memorie did make his last will and testament nuncupative in manner and forme following (that is to say) hee did give and devise unto his eldest daughter Mary Quint (which hee had by the first wife) and her heires for ever all that this moyetie or halfe part of those messuages or tenements in Barn Lane being in ffarnham aforesaid now in the severall ocps of George Quint his ffather James ..... John Lord and widdow Hedger Also hee gave more unto her Thirty Pounds which his ffather in law John Mills owed him being the marriage portion which hee was to have with Mary her mother and Tenn more beside the Thirty pounds above written Also hee gave more unto her one new brasse pelmet one brasse Candle sticke one pewter Candle sticke Two pewter Platters one of his least fflagons All her mother's wearing Apparrell And her Gold Ring and Silver Bodkin All hee did give unto his youngest Daughter Sarah Quint which hee had by Mary his new wife the end moiety or halfe part of all his money goods and Chattells whatsoever that remains in his said wife's hands after his debts and legacyes be paid and his ffuneral charges and the other moiety or halfe part thereof hee did give the said Mary his wife whom hee made his full and sole Executrix and Brother George Quint Overseer........ John Quint in the presence and hearing of those whose names are written the marke of John Draper Senior Henry Stanley Junior Proved 9th October 1658 PCC Prob11/283