This is my Last Will and Testament of me John Willats of Addlestone in the Pariish of Chertsey in the in the County of Surrey Gentleman being weak of body but of sound and disposing ~ memory and understanding praised be to God for the same first I give my body to be duly interred and all my just debts and funeral and testimony expenses to be paid immediately after my decease and I Give and Bequeath unto James Cosham of Kensington in the County of Middlesex watchmaker and Richard Bartholomew Child of Spur Street Lancaster Square in the County of Middlesex porter Merchant and the survivor of than his Executors Heirs and Assigns all that the sum of one thousand and three hundred pounds three pounds per centum annulus cobured Bank Annuities now standing in my name and also all the money that may be in the house household goods furniture plate annuities liquors & gaterally the residue of my property whatsoever & wheresoever of worth may be possessed of or entitled until In the first Trust that they aforesaid James Cosham & Richard Bartholomew Child and the survivor of them his Executors Administrators and assigns So and Shall from time to time pay and apply allowing to their full discretion as I have utmost confidence thereof and all other my property in such parts shares & proportions & in such manner to the benefit and advantage of Maria the wife of James Buckingham independent of the debts or control of her present or future husband and so that the receipts alone of the said Maria Buckingham shall be sufficient discharges under this my will for all such sums of money as she may receive under the trusts hereof & to and for the benefit and advantage of her two children Sarah Maria Buckingham and Frederick Buckingham and the survivors or survivor of them and as to the said Sarah Maria Buckingham her receipts alone notwithstanding any husband she may marry shall at all times be sufficient discharges for all moneys she may receive under this my Will and so that no husband have a the control of the same and so that the same be not liable to his debts and I give & bequeath unto Francis the son of the said James Cosham the Legacy or sum of nineteen shillings and I also give & bequeath unto the said Richard Bartholomew Child the Legacy or sum of nineteen shillings these Legacies to be paid immediately after my decease out of my effects generally I give that the receipts of my said trustees shall be good discharges that my said trustees shall not be answerable for more moneys than shall come to there hands respectively and that they and shall not accountable for allowable for the arts of the others or other of them That on the death or refusal or inability to act of any trustees or trustee the surviving or acting trustee as occasion may require and who may at in the same manner as if named inn this my Will and I direct that the trustees or trustee for the time being shall reimburse themselves respectively all such expenses as they may reasonably be put uses unto in fulfilling the trusts hereof and hereby revoking all former Wills by me at time or times how to fore made I declare this only to be my Last I nominate constitute and appoint the said James Cosham and Richard Bartholomew Child Trustees and Executors of this my Will In witness whereof I the said John Willats have hereto set my hand and seal to this eighteenth Day of March in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty six ---- John Willats ---- [L&S] ---- signed sealed published by the hand John Willats as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses thereto --- James Wilson Royal Navy ---- R J Cole Sol. Chertsey II Proved at London 17th May 1836 before the Right Worshipful John Danbeary Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the Oaths of James Cosham and Richard Bartholomew Child the Executors to whom administration was Granted having been first sworn duly to administration. Willats John, Gent of Chertsey Will [1751-1836]