In the Name of God Amen I Elizabeth Richbell of the Parish of Walton upon the Hill in the County of Surry Widow being of sound and disposing Mind thanks be to God for the same Do make publish and declare this as and for my last Will and Testament whereby I give and bequeath unto Elizabeth Heath Wife of William Heath the younger of the Parish of Sutton in the County aforesaid and Daughter of my late Husband Nathaniel Richbell deceased The Sum of five Pounds of lawful money of Great Britain And I give and bequeath unto my Brother James Woodman the like Sum of five Pounds of like Money and I direct that the said two several Sums of five pounds and five pounds shall be paid unto them the said Elizabeth Heath and James Woodman resoectively at the end of twelve Calendar Months next after my decease All the Rest and Residue of my Goods Chattels ffarming and other dead and living Stock Credits and Personal Estate whatsoever I give and bequeath unto John Bartlett now dwelling with me Nephew of my aforesaid late Husband Nathaniel Richbell and unto my Niece Elizabeth his the said John Bartlett's Wife They the said John Bartlett and his Wife or one of them paying thereout all my just Debts and ffuneral Expences And I nominate make and appoint him the said John Bartlett sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Elizabeth Richbell have hereunto set my hand and seal this ninth day of July in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy three Eliz Richbell Signed sealed published and declared by the said Elizabeth Richbell as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of Edward Wooden, Joseph Bailey, Mich Barnes Proved: 23rd August 1773 PCC Prob11/990