This is the last Will and Testament of me Amey Tegg of Croydon in the County of Surrey Spinster ffirst I resign my Soul into the Hands of Almighty God my Creator and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently buried at the Discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named And as to such worldly Estate as it hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give and dispose thereof as follows that is to say I Will order and direct that all my just Debts my ffuneral Expences and the charge of proving this my Will shall be paid and discharged as soon as may be after my Decease Also I Give and devise unto my Sister Hannah Parsons of Croydon aforesaid Widow all that my three Messuages or Tenements with the Appurtenances thereto belonging situate standing and being in the ffront of Teggs Court in the Town and Parish of Croydon aforesaid now or late in the several Tenures or Occupations of Edward Davis William Hall and Elizabeth Piper or some or none of them their some or one of their undertenant or undertenants And all those my two other Messuages or Tenements with the Appurtenances thereto belonging situate standing and being in Teggs Court aforesaid now or late in the several Tenures or Occupations of Daniel Admans and......Rosey their Undertenants or Assigns and all that my Messuage or Tenement with the Appurtenances thereto belonging situate standing and being in the Town and Parish of Croydon aforesaid now in my own occupation and also all that my Part Share Right Estate and Interest of and in all that Messuage or Tenement commonly called or known by the name or Sign of the Green Dragon and the two adjoining Messuages or Tenements with the Appurtenances situate standing and being in the Town and Parish of Croydon aforesaid now or late in the several Tenures or Occupations of John Bowls Sarah and Mary Tyrrell and John Goodale their Assigns or undertenants to hold the same respectively unto the said Hannah Parsons her Heirs and Assigns for ever And I do hereby make nominate and appoint my said Sister Hannah Parsons Executrix of this my Will And lastly I do hereby revoke and make void all former and other Wills by me made and do declare this only to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Amy Tegg the Testatrix have to this Will set my Hand and affixed my Seal the third day of August in the year of our Lord one Thousand seven Hundred and seventy one Amey Tegg R Poole Thoms Page Enock Holding Proved 5th July 1780 PCC Prob11/1080